Chapter 467 Shock From All Sides_1

Not until he returned to his own room did Duncan Kong's heart stop shaking with disbelief.

It was preposterous!

Who exactly was the boss?

It was one thing to produce an Elixir better than those from Healington, but to also have a method that could increase the odds of entering the Master Realm.

He suddenly felt that losing to the boss was truly not unjust at all.


The news of Troy Milton's death spread quickly.

The Milton Family, naturally, was inconsolable with grief, while those small families that had once relied on the Milton Family immediately became tense.

From now on, it would definitely be Barry Wolfe who called the shots in Qin Province. Whether the share of the profits for their families would remain the same as before, whether these would be given to him and whether they would be given more or less, these were all questions.

"If you ask me, just do it like before. Whatever we gave to the Milton Family previously, we give the same to him now."