Chapter 471 Pie in the Sky_1

The girl's name was Xiaoye, and she had just graduated from high school this year, soon to be reporting to university.

This young lady didn't have all that dramatic sob story, no seriously ill parents, nor a younger brother under five to support, she was purely vain and in need of money.

Then she encountered certain individuals who specialized in this line of work, hence the two hit it off right away.

"Mr. Xu, shall I give you a massage first?"

"You know how to do this too?"

Xiaoye said with a smile, "I learned it from watching videos, I don't know if I'll be any good."

Greg laughed, "Ha, you're using me as a test subject?"

Xiaoye replied a bit frantically, "No, I... I just want to make you more comfortable."

"Just kidding, go ahead."

Greg stripped off his clothes and lay on the bed, while Xiaoye kneeled obediently beside him, her delicate hands cool to the touch, eliciting a different kind of comfort in him.