Chapter 480 Follow Me_1

"Old man?"

Greg Jensen was taken aback, then nodded and said, "Have him wait in the living room for a bit; I'll be down shortly."


Greg Jensen closed the door, yawned, and went back to bed.

Louisa Burley asked curiously, "Who is it, this early in the morning?"

Greg Jensen chuckled, "The Stuart Family sent over an old man to see me, I told him to wait downstairs."

Upon hearing this, Louisa Burley suddenly remembered Jeremy Hall's description of the Stuart Family and urged, "Then you should hurry."

"No rush, let's keep him waiting a bit longer," Greg Jensen said nonchalantly.

Louisa Burley frowned and said, "Greg, I know you're very powerful, but so is the Stuart Family.

They not only have three Grandmasters but also know many odd and dangerous things. They are really perilous; you must take this seriously."

"Alright, I got it."

Greg Jensen exclaimed, "How do you know so much?"