Chapter 484 Gift-Giving_1

"That is a Grandmaster we are talking about, not some small fry; if he gets away, our Stuart Family will be in grave danger."

At that moment, silence ensued; the living room of the Stuart Family was deathly still.

Julian Stuart's words, like a heavy hammer, struck hard at everyone's hearts.

If Barry Wolfe were to escape, true danger would be upon each and every one of them.

By then, Wolfe wouldn't even need to knock on their door to issue challenges; all he'd have to do is target Stuart Family members, killing them one by one. Who could stop him?

A Master-level assassin, even a Great Grandmaster would have to weigh their odds, let alone them, who were mostly in the Dark Strength Period?

In the history of the Martial Way, such events had occurred before.

The dominant force of the previous generation in Qin Province, the Barnett Family, had fatally offended a Grandmaster yet failed to kill him, resulting in his escape.