Chapter 489 Can You Keep Me?_1

"Break the net after the fish is caught? You think you're worthy?"

"In front of the Stuart Family, you're less significant than an ant. And you dare talk about breaking the net after the fish is caught?"

"Such shameless boasting!"

"Our family even treated you with courtesy, and we should've just slaughtered you right away!"

"Exactly, slaughter him. The dignity of the Stuart Family must not be offended!"

When Julian Stuart saw Barry Wolfe seeking his own death, he couldn't help but burst into ridicule, "Young in age, yet so big-mouthed!"

This time, including Julian Stuart himself, everyone in the Stuart Family felt that Greg Jensen was too arrogant.

Just as the rumors had described, fiercely arrogant and utterly senseless.

Julian Stuart himself shook his head in silence, and the patriarch of the Stuart Family couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's been many years since someone dared to speak so boldly in front of the Stuart Family!"