Chapter 494 Harm Others Harm Yourself_1


However, the acupuncture that had always slightly alleviated the symptoms was now utterly ineffectual, and the woman continued to gasp for air, her voice straining.

Her body was shaking more and more violently.

At this, Old Sun also panicked.

After trying several other methods, a look of defeat appeared on his face.

"Is there... no way left?" Terry Cooke asked in a daze.

Old Sun shook his head, about to speak when he suddenly thought of something and urgently said, "Quick, find that young man from earlier, bring him back here."

"Are you referring to Barry Wolfe?"

After asking, Terry Cooke also realized.

Wolfe had said earlier that his wife was about to give out. At the time, they thought Wolfe was just spouting mystic nonsense, but it had come true so quickly.

Since Wolfe had foreseen it and had consistently wanted to help, he must have a way.

With this realization, Terry Cooke no longer hesitated and dashed out.