Chapter 505 Win-Win Cooperation_1

Carmen Stuart felt a chill in her heart. She knew it would not be easy to convince Greg Jensen, but she didn't expect him to have investigated the Stuart Family's weaknesses so thoroughly.

Greg Jensen was right, if they couldn't find a strong ally, the Stuart Family's share would shrink even further.

That was why Carmen Stuart, despite all opposition, insisted on recruiting Greg Jensen.

However, the conditions Greg Jensen proposed were far too harsh. Setting aside the matter of money for now, if they really agreed, where would the Stuart Family's honor stand?

Just as Carmen Stuart was about to outright reject his offer, Greg Jensen, as if seeing through her thoughts, slowly began to speak:

"What if I said I could increase the Stuart Family's share to over thirty percent?"

"What did you say?"

Carmen Stuart was taken aback, "Are you joking?"