Chapter 528 Divine Doctor_1

Noah Locke was also very happy, feeling that since the Divine Doctor had arrived, his father's definite illness would surely be quickly cured.

He laughed heartily and said, "Divine Doctor, you've had a long journey. Please have a seat and start with a cup of tea."

The Divine Doctor replied indifferently, "No need, let's take a look at the patient first."


Just as Noah Locke was about to agree, his face changed, hesitating, he said, "Divine Doctor, perhaps we should wait a moment.

My son has just invited a friend over, who is currently treating my father..."

As soon as Lance Law heard this, he immediately became upset and frowned, "Mom, what's going on? Knowing that I went to invite the Divine Doctor, you still let someone else treat grandpa. Do you not trust the Divine Doctor, or what?"

While his words seemed directed at Aunt Lin, his eyes kept darting towards Noah Locke, clearly using the remarks to needle him.