Chapter 532 Hero Out of Youth_1

Old Master Lincoln looked somewhat bewildered and took a good while staring at Theressa Locke before he responded, "It seems I've taken a nap, but that nap felt incredibly long."

"Haha, more than just long, you've been asleep for over a month."

"Ah, I've slept that long?"

"You were poisoned, and it's all thanks to Theressa for finding a Divine Doctor. Otherwise, this time it could've been really dangerous for you."

"Theressa is a good child..."

Seeing such a fatherly and filial scene made Old Master Lincoln's third sister and Lance Law, who were standing nearby, so angry their faces turned dark.

They had gone to great lengths to invite Master Sun the Divine Doctor, hoping Lance Law could make an appearance before the Old Master to gain a position in the Lincoln family's enterprises.

Now it turned out that Theressa had stolen all the limelight.