Chapter 551 Soft Nail_1

The Humphrey family residence was located in the city center of the Western Plains Province, a vast nine-section estate with a history of several hundred years.

Over half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance, and Greg Jensen and Xavier Cooper got out of the car.

Greg Jensen surveyed the surroundings and couldn't help but be surprised as he said, "Zheng Wanzhou lives here?"

"Yes, that's correct. We already inquired about it beforehand," Xavier Cooper replied.

"The Humphrey family sure has some tricks up its sleeve to get their hands on such a residence," Greg Jensen remarked.

Seeing the Humphrey family's gates wide open, Greg knew his movements had not been concealed from the Humphrey family's informants, so he immediately walked in with Xavier Cooper.

They had barely taken a few steps when a middle-aged man in his fifties approached them with a cold face and asked, "Hold it, who are you?"