Chapter 564 Lantern Festival_1

The Burley family.

Craig Burley, Spencer Burley, Louisa Burley, and one other sat quietly on the sofa.

"Dad, I just want to spend more time with him," said Louisa Burley pleadingly. "I don't have much time left, do I?"

With a stern face, Craig Burley said, "Louisa, do you know what you're doing? What if Aaron Gill sees you with another man? Aren't you afraid he might just kill Greg Jensen on the spot?"


Louisa Burley's expression stiffened, a mist rising in her eyes as she lowered her head in sorrow.

Spencer Burley said irritably, "Dad, what era are we living in? What's with these arranged child betrothals? If my sister doesn't want to marry that man, why are you forcing her?"

Craig Burley sighed and said, "Do you think I want to do this? But in this situation, what can you do, even if you're unwilling?

When we saved your sister, we had already promised them. Going back on our word now… I'm afraid our whole family will suffer the consequences."