Chapter 567 Witchcraft_1


Hearing that Greg Jensen had also been injured, concern once again flickered across Amande Burns' face.

She frowned and asked, "How are you feeling now? Do you need me to get you some medicine?"

"Get me some, but not the kind for external injuries. Get me something to replenish my vitality."

Drake Stuart lowered his head, looking at the wound on his chest, "Strange, I haven't lost much blood, so why do I feel as if I've lost a lot of vitality?"

Amande Burns gave him an annoyed glance, took out her phone, and called Julian Stuart to arrange for someone to find some medicinal ingredients that could nourish vitality.

Drake Stuart watched her back, his brow furrowed in thought, then he asked, "How are you doing with your study of witchcraft?"

Amande Burns' body trembled slightly, and she slowly turned around, her pupils trembling slightly.

In the silent living room, the siblings stared at each other in silence.