Chapter 569 Conspiracy_1

"Heh heh, I know you're very fond of these two children."

Drake Stuart sneered, "How about we make a deal? You help me by casting a curse on Barry Wolfe during the martial arts competition of the Union of Seven Provinces, and I'll let these two kids go.

If you're not willing, then I'll have no choice but to kill them."

Upon hearing this, Carmen Stuart abruptly raised her head, looking at him incredulously, "Drake, have you lost your mind? They're promising seedlings of the Stuart Family, you intend to lay a hand on them?"

"You're forcing my hand."

Drake Stuart coldly said, "Whether they live or die is up to you, not me!"


Carmen turned her head towards Julian Stuart and angrily said, "Big brother, they're your daughter and niece, why are you going mad along with Drake?"

Julian Stuart's expression shifted slightly before he let out a sigh, "Carmen, just agree to it. Drake is right.