Chapter 572: One Against Fifteen_1

Greg Jensen was the first to enter the field in order to advance his Innocent Knife Method.

With every person he killed, the Innocent Knife Method would draw in some vital energy, and both the Divine Dragon Transformation and the Innocent Knife Method would benefit from it.

Even his True Qi had grown to a certain extent because of the vital energy.

In other words, for every person Greg Jensen killed, the benefits he received were beyond the imagination of others.

The opportunity of this martial arts competition was exceptional, and naturally, Greg Jensen did not want to miss it.

Moreover, if he could enter the Union of Seven Provinces in a strong posture, he would have fewer problems to deal with.

He wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, to deter everyone, so that no one would dare to trouble him again.

After all, he only wanted to acquire resources and concentrate on cultivation; he had no interest in other matters.