Chapter 579: Lost Grip_1

Like the dragon's chant, the sword's hum instantly filled the entire training field.

Seeing this scene, the crowd erupted into an uproar.


Seeing Wilson Grey launch an attack without even announcing his name, while his opponent was still in mid-air, Xavier Cooper was infuriated and yelled, "How is this any different from a sneak attack?"

"Too despicable!"

"A group fight is one thing, but to stab someone in the back!"

"They've truly lost all face for the Union of Seven Provinces!"

The next second, everyone abruptly closed their mouths.


A Sword Qi that covered the sky slowly took shape, faintly forming into a giant sword, pointing downward at Greg Jensen.

Its might was so strong that even the air ahead began to twist.

All was silent around, as if even the wind had come to a halt.

It felt as if a massive stone was pressing on everyone's hearts, making it difficult to breathe.