Chapter 588: The Far Reach of Fame_1

In the quiet room, Greg Jensen sat by the bed, looking at the aged face on it, his heart a tumult of emotions.

Logically speaking, Carmen Stuart cursed him and then saved him, which could be considered even.

But Greg knew in his heart that her curse was a last resort, while saving him was sincerely meant.

For a person to be willing to risk their life to save you, that debt of gratitude was far too heavy. How could it be simply evened out?

Gently holding Carmen's hand, Greg whispered, "Carmen, rest assured, I will definitely find a way to cure you."

If people were compared to a container, then qi and blood would be what is held inside.

Carmen initially just had her qi and blood damaged, but in order to save Greg, she had exhausted more than half of her qi and blood, causing her "container" to shrink considerably.

While resupplying qi and blood was possible, if the "container" itself had shrunk, there really was no solution.