Chapter 590 The Mainstay_1

Carmen Stuart at East Peak Manor was like a semi-host, living a comfortable and carefree life. Greg Jensen saw to all of their needs without exception.

The servants of the manor also treated them with great respect, addressing them as "Miss" this and "Miss" that, to the extent that even Carmen began to feel an illusion that she had returned to the Stuart Family.

As time passed, Carmen felt a bit embarrassed, and coincidentally, Greg had been unable to find a suitable personal assistant, so she volunteered to stay by Greg's side.

On ordinary days, she helped relay messages, drive cars, and such—after all, there wasn't much work to do.

After the martial arts competition in the Seven Provinces ended, the title of the charming Magician was known to everyone in the entire Northwest.

Even the heads of the families would treat Carmen, the little assistant, as if she were one of their own younger family members.