Chapter 621 Coming to Die_1

"Is there something special about East Peak Manor?"

"Isn't this the residence of a Daoist expert? Would the people under him be any less capable?"

"What of it? In the end, won't they all die at the hands of the old Grandmaster?"

A few people exchanged glances, wisely choosing not to continue the discussion any further.

Inside the manor, noticing that the onlooking Martial Artists had quieted down, Thomas Lampe leapt down from the roof and, with a solemn expression, walked into the villa.

"Any news from the boss yet?"

"Already called Miss Zhou. She said the boss is still in seclusion in the midst of the mist, uncertain when he'll come out," someone replied.

"What should we do now?"

As an old-timer by Greg Jensen's side, Brandon Brent had also been given the opportunity to practice Daoist techniques, but his talent was average, and he was still stuck at Qi Refinement level one.

At this moment, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, pacing back and forth in the room.