Chapter 626 Thunder Law Ultimate Kill_1

Walter Locke had previously been cautious, not wanting the unusual behavior of the Soul Banner to be too obvious, but now he could no longer afford such concerns.

All he wanted now was to kill Greg Jensen and use his soul as the main spirit for the Soul Banner.

The sky was blanketed in an instant by a dense black fog, like a thundercloud blocking out all sunlight.

Although the Martial Artists spectating did not know what it was, they instinctively felt danger, retreating continuously, trying to escape the area covered by the black mist.

However, the wails and howls, as if ringing right next to their ears, caused them to become agitated and disoriented.

At this moment, they struggled even to stand up, let alone run away.

All they could do was sway unsteadily on their feet, looking up at the sky with a hint of despair creeping into their eyes.

Just then, a flash of the knife's edge suddenly tore a path through the black mist.