Chapter 633 International Prohibited Weapon_1

White Phosphorus Bombs, these inhumane atrocities, are internationally banned weapons forbidden for use by any country or individual.

There's good reason for this: White Phosphorus Bombs are instruments of destruction, and once deployed, the consequences are unpredictable.

White phosphorus is highly flammable; it ignites upon contact with skin and is notoriously difficult to extinguish. Those who are burned will scream in agony, flames consuming them until they are reduced to charred remains.

However, despite the general disdain for Robin Hayes's malice, his suggestion sparked interest among the people present.

"If it's a White Phosphorus Bomb, it might be worth giving it a try."

"That's right, there's no harm in trying. What if it works?"

The mood lightened as people exchanged glances.

The Family Head of the Shen family laughed and said, "Brother Robin truly is a young and talented man. To think of such a method, I am truly impressed."