Chapter 639: Overestimating Oneself_1

"They definitely can't match the old Grandmaster!"

Without even thinking, Norman Davis immediately provided the answer.

Not to mention anything else, just the profits they make for Walter Locke every year are an astonishing figure.

If they were capable of dealing with Walter Locke, they wouldn't have been suppressed for so many years without being able to raise their heads.

Lesley Davis sneered coldly, "Since they have no way of dealing with Walter Locke, where do they get the confidence from, thinking they can handle Master Barry Wolfe?

You should know, Walter Locke died at the hands of Master Barry Wolfe."

"Yes, they..."

Norman Davis suddenly realized, completely stunned. He had been analyzing the strengths of both sides, but he had never considered it from this angle.

At the same time, he also understood why his father did not want to get involved in this matter.