Chapter 647: Better Watch Out for Yourself_1

Everyone looked at Noah Locke kneeling on the ground, their gazes filled with disdain.

Although they too wished to kill Greg Jensen, there were no feelings of kinship between them and Greg.

It was different for Noah Locke, though. Not only had Greg saved the lives of the Locke family members, but he had also helped them modify their Cultivation Technique.

This kindness could not be said to be insignificant!

Most importantly, the assets the Locke family had turned over were much less than those of the other families.

Even so, Noah Locke still wasn't satisfied.

For the sake of some minor benefits, he had still banded together with outsiders, wanting to kill Greg Jensen.

Now, seeing that they couldn't beat Greg, and kneel down to beg for mercy, everyone's face showed an expression of disgust upon seeing Noah Locke's shameless side.

In this world, no one wants to deal with such an ungrateful person, lest they accidentally get conned by them.