Chapter 650 Accumulating Evil Deeds_1

Several minutes later, Greg Jensen finally packed away all the Jade Stones, but these few seconds felt like a century to Yana.

Just as Yana couldn't wait to leave this troubled place, a harsh screech of brakes tore through the air.

"Quick, someone's causing trouble on our turf!"

"Kill him!"

"Da Da Da..."

A burst of machine-gun fire rang out, and the market's doors were immediately riddled with holes like a beehive.

"Everyone inside, come out, or else, you'll all be executed!" a gruff voice bellowed from outside.

At that moment, the people inside the market ran out as if their lives depended on it, cursing their parents for not giving them an extra leg.

"They're calling us out, let's go."

Greg Jensen gave Yana a slight smile, hands in his pockets, and walked out step by step.

Yana didn't even know how she made it outside, feeling only a void in her mind and finding it hard to breathe.