Chapter 24 Follow-up Impact (Please Follow)_1

After a battle had concluded, Ye Feng first opened the subordinate panel to take a look, only to find that the loyalty of these mutated beings had not increased.

"Was my guess wrong? Is it only the combative mutated creatures whose loyalty increases after being taught a lesson?" Ye Feng couldn't help but glance at the king cobra beside him.

The king cobra seemed to sense something, its head suddenly erect, looking around vigilantly.

Ye Feng refocused his attention and glanced at the sky; it was now 6 a.m., and dawn was about to break.

Ye Feng first infused spiritual energy into the bodies of his subordinates who had just finished sparring, helping them to recover from their injuries, so that they could go out and carry out tasks once daylight arrived.

The first task was to seek out the mutated wild boar to see if they could avenge themselves.

Of course, revenge was just one aspect. The mutated wild boar was, after all, ranked 35th on the list of dangerous creatures.

So it was an excellent benchmark; hunting it would allow a clearer assessment of the combat power of his group of subordinates.

In addition, such large-bodied mutated beings undoubtedly contained bountiful spiritual energy; hunting it down would save a few hours of hard work.

As for the second task, that was to find the mutated eagle.

Ye Feng had always been fixated on this matter.

He had no fear of enemies on the ground; even without considering his own combat power, with the king cobra, mutated buffalo, and a mutated big yellow dog with decent potential, they could face any creature in the future.

But the air was a different matter.

Although more than half of his subordinates could fly, they were basically just there to make up numbers.

Unable to even defeat a single tree root, they would all be brought to their knees when facing a strong, fierce bird.

Therefore, finding a flying-type mutated creature that could "hold the fort" was very important.

In the blink of an eye, it was 7 a.m., and the sky was fully illuminated.

After an hour of recuperation and continuous healing from spiritual energy, the injuries left by the battle in his flock of mutated beings had healed.

At Ye Feng's command, all the mutated animals scattered in all directions to hunt for prey.

Of course, based on their strength, the areas they searched were different.

Ye Feng would not let the weak ones venture far, especially the mutated parrot that had not been easy to bring back; it had to stay within his field of vision.

As for the king cobra and mutated buffalo, Ye Feng let them go outside to cause trouble.

Meanwhile, the other flying creatures also transformed into scouts, beginning a comprehensive search.

"Not bad; breaking through to the second stage has also increased their intelligence a bit, and they can already understand some more complex commands," Ye Feng said contentedly.

Ye Feng was not idle either; he had another important task at hand, which was to open his phone to check on the developments from last night's events.

Just as he imagined, the local news in Yang City indeed reported a riot of mutated mice in the old city area.

And underneath, the comment section was already ablaze.

Nine Sects: "Why did they suddenly riot? Could there be a plague of mice?"

Golden Dragon: "A mouse plague isn't the scariest thing. I'm worried about those mutated cockroaches and mutated mosquitoes staging a riot; if that happens, we'll truly be afraid to leave home."

Adrift with the Wind: "Don't worry, the city guard team has already blocked off those streets and is focusing on clearing them out. The riot last night seems to have been a sudden incident."

Passerby: "This is a surveillance video I found. The mutated mice on our side are obviously smaller than those in Ah San Country; they should not be ready to riot yet."

Attached was a short video.

Ye Feng briefly scanned through and, although the mouse riot had caused a certain degree of panic, it felt like it was still within controllable limits.

Of course, it was mainly because the city guard teams were now patrolling the streets, which undoubtedly gave the residents a great sense of security.

After this incident, more people signed up to participate in the "Four Pests" campaign.

This was a major project, and the manpower drawn from various departments was definitely not enough; a large number of volunteers were needed as well.

Recruiting volunteers for this was not easy before, as there was an inherent risk involved, and most of the Four Pests work happened to take place in the sewers, an environment no one liked.

But last night's event directly caused a surge in the number of registrants.

However, Ye Feng looked over the news again and was somewhat surprised to find that, although the incident was described in great detail, not a single word was mentioned about its cause.

"Are they worried about causing panic among the general populace?" Ye Feng speculated.

If that was the case, it also meant that the authorities might very well know about the King Cobra.

He immediately exited and then opened the danger list. Just as he expected, the King Cobra had appeared.

And it had directly landed in the tenth spot on the danger list.

10th place: Mutated Giant Snake.

Evaluation: 12-15 meters in length, extremely high attack power, impact force of at least one ton, fast and agile, possesses hard scale armor, not yet determined if it has strong venom.

If encountered, evacuate immediately, cannot be eradicated without heavy firepower.

It doesn't matter: "Right into the top ten, thankfully I don't have to leave Yang City. [sneer]"

Unrelenting and steady: "You think you're safe just because you're not leaving Yang City? That's a snake! It's not strange to see a snake in the city."

It doesn't matter: "You've got to be joking, a snake that long, do you really think the City Guard Team is blind and would let it in?"

Unrelenting and steady: "Not necessarily, it's said that the intelligence of mutated animals far exceeds their kind, so why would it make an obvious appearance? It might be hiding in your sewer right now."

The conversation then devolved into a verbal fight between the two, which Ye Feng didn't bother to follow. He simply gave "Unrelenting and steady" a silent thumbs up.

But this incident also served as a warning for Ye Feng, the King Cobra was now on the official radar, and he would have to be more discreet when letting it out in the future.

Even more, it must not become known that it frequently appeared in Sunset Valley, otherwise the Mutant Management Bureau might be drawn here.

The good news was that although the King Cobra was quite long, when it slithered along the ground, its height was only about 30 centimeters.

At such a height, not to mention trees, even ordinary weeds could hide it.

After all, with the beginning of plant mutations, not only trees began to grow taller, but most of the wild grasses had reached half the height of a person.

Ye Feng thought about these matters while scrolling through the danger list, checking to see if his own ranking had increased.

"As expected, it went up!"

When he saw that the 80th place on the danger list was now occupied by the Mutated Iron Birch Tree, he couldn't help but sigh.

He had anticipated a rise in ranking, but he never expected to jump from 98th to 80th in one go.

Each rise in rank meant the officials were paying more and more attention to him, definitely not good news.

The reason for the rise in rank was made clear as he clicked on his profile.

Note: Grew 40 meters in a single day, analysis suggests potential surpassing the Mutated Old Locust Tree, hence the rank increase.

After reading the profile, he glanced at the comments below and found that, as he had predicted, the number of people following him had indeed increased quite a bit.


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Almost forgot to say: "Vote for me~~~"