Chapter 71 Action Begins! _1

Hearing Zhang Ji's words, Adjutant Zhao Zhong pressed the communicator to summon the remaining battalion commanders while picking up the documents beside him.

"Captain Zhang, I've tallied the numbers. We have 1,850 people from 15 security companies, but together they have only 230 firearms, and most are just ordinary shotguns. Their combat capability..."

Zhao Zhong didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood what he meant.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ji hadn't said anything when a man in his forties sitting nearby couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Captain Zhang, this won't delay our subsequent evacuation plan, will it?"

He was Sha Weiping, the representative from Red Star Tech, and his words carried significant weight.

"Haha, Comrade Sha, you can rest assured. The combat strength of these security company personnel cannot be judged solely by their numbers on paper."