Chapter 119 Attacking Yang City Zoo_2

"Then let's take a look at this Mutated Buffalo, Earlier I forgot to mention that our MT Optical Telescope has a playback function; everyone, don't be anxious, let's rewind and see where the Mutated Buffalo appeared just now."

As Qin Xiaohui operated the telescope, she continued to speak, "You must have also followed the events online; a large number of cats and dogs have mutated. Experts have said that animals in the wild will also undergo mutations on a large scale."

"So, in the future, these Mutated Animals won't be so rare. As long as you also buy an 'MT Optical Telescope' and do as I did by coming to the edge of the city and finding a tall building, you could..."

While she was speaking, her eyes involuntarily bulged, and her rosy lips parted slightly as though she had seen something incredible.

At this moment, the volume of messages in the live chat surged by tenfold.

Culinary King: "Holy shit shit shit!"