Chapter 147: Every Trick in the Book_2

This process lasted for about ten seconds.

Finally, after the energy was fully charged, a lightning bolt as thick as a thumb leaped out from the tip of the gun and shot straight towards the ground ahead.


In an instant, the soil at that location turned scorched black, and the surrounding weeds also became charred.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes lit up instantly. In his perception, the strength of the Corrosive Energy in that area had noticeably weakened.

"It's effective, continue!" he shouted excitedly to the operator.

But the operator's reply made his mood a bit disjointed.

"Parrot Messenger, the Thunder Gun is already operating at full power," the operator quickly responded.

Ye Feng watched as the Thunder Gun took another full ten seconds to charge before firing the second lightning bolt.

Ye Feng: ???

He turned his head and silently looked at Bai Yinghui, "You're not joking with me, are you? You really plan to solve the restricted area with this thing?"