Chapter 207: Forbidden Area Battle Broadcast_3

Homecoming 2: "This is just a movie, the truly secretive stuff would never be released so casually."

Before everyone could finish feeling astonished by Dragon King's endless methods, the next scene instantly caused a barrage of comments to surge.

Enjoy This Life: "Oh my God, they're actually going to use nuclear weapons!!!"

Goodness Like Water: "That's terrifying! Does that mean a nuclear bomb exploded near our Yang City and I knew nothing about it? Thank goodness nothing went wrong. If it had veered off course even slightly, wouldn't I have been done for?"

Regardless of how fervently everyone discussed, the plot steadily moved forward, and soon the provincial military command brought over a hydrogen bomb with a yield of 5 million tons.

Even though they already knew the outcome, watching the nuclear bomb launch and then, at a terrifying speed, head straight toward the ground, many viewers in front of their screens felt their hearts race.