Chapter 211 Changes in the International Situation_3

Essentially, for every bottle of Life Essence, they could net a profit of 3000 yuan. With a production of 50,000 bottles a day, they could net a whopping 150 million yuan.

This is definitely a figure that would make any company green with envy.

But envy is one thing; no one really dares to do anything to Golden Dragon Pharmaceutical.

The reason is simple: Chen Dalong.

He is the only person in Yang City who has broken through to the Late Stage of Third Order.

As for others, like Pei Jin and Wang Feng, even with the official training that brought them to the Second Order Peak, they just couldn't break through.

Of course, superhumans like them who awakened on their own don't need to wait for Spiritual Energy to revive again to make a breakthrough, unlike other evolutionists.

But to break through the bottleneck still requires time; being stuck for 10 days to half a month is quite normal.

This was enough time for Chen Dalong to create a significant gap between them.