Chapter 288: The Assessment of Rule Mountain Begins_2


The person sent to scout quickly brought back the news.

"Most of these teams had already arrived near Rule Mountain before."

"Some, having spotted dangers through telescopes in advance, did not dare to come over. Others had narrowly escaped being hunted down by Forbidden Area Creatures."

"Since it was too dangerous to return via the original path, these people basically all found a place to hide, planning to wait until the assessment time was over to be directly teleported out."

"However, the commotion caused by the Dragon King and the Seventh Order Strongman just now was too great, especially the explosion triggered by the killing of the Angel Strongman. It was hard not to draw attention, so these people came over directly after scouting."

The member relayed the information he had gathered, and the faces of the others showed a trace of sudden realization.

As time went on, more and more teams arrived, initially only from various countries in Asia.