Chapter 43 Seeking Knowledge_1

Mo Shan's couple was overjoyed when they heard that Mo Hua was referred by Instructor Yan and accepted as a student by a highly skilled Formation Master.

Mo Shan originally had some concerns, but after thinking it over, he felt there was nothing to worry about.

Instructor Yan had taught at Tongxian Gate for many years and had a good reputation, and a person recommended by Instructor Yan surely had extraordinary status.

Mo Shan's family were just ordinary Loose Cultivators, with neither Spirit Stones nor family wealth, so naturally, they did not have to worry about others coveting anything from them.

Besides, they wouldn't normally have the chance to even meet a Formation Master of such status, so this really was a serendipitous opportunity.

Now that Mo Hua was studying Formations and living at home, Liu Ruhua could see her son every day and even cook meals for him, which made her even happier.