Chapter 61: Spiritual Power_1

Mr. Zhuang passed the Jade Slip of Tianyan Jue to Mo Hua:

"The Jade Slip for transmitting ancient cultivation techniques is a bit special, only when your cultivation reaches a certain realm can your divine sense inspect the cultivation techniques that follow. There are no restrictions on the techniques from the Qi Refinement Realm, but for the techniques from the Foundation Establishment Stage, only those who have cultivated the Tianyan Jue and reached the realm of Foundation Establishment can see them."

"Most ancient cultivation techniques come with only one slip per technique. If the Jade Slip is lost, the technique is essentially lost as well. Even if there are several Jade Slips for some techniques, it is not certain that you can find them. The cultivation world is vast; looking for an obscure Jade Slip of an ancient technique is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, in my lifetime, I have only seen this one of the Tianyan Jue."