Chapter 117: Blood Drawing_1

Blood Drawing Art?

Mo Hua was startled for a moment, then asked Bai Zixi, "Is the Blood Drawing Art difficult to learn..."

Bai Zixi shook his head, "It's not difficult to learn, but it's hard to use."

"Blood Drawing Art is a simplified Divine Sense Manipulation that can attract Monster Blood with Divine Sense. Divine Sense Manipulation is an ability of Cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Stage. Although Qi Refinement Cultivators can barely use it, they can't do it remotely, and it also consumes a lot of Divine Sense," explained Bai Zixi.

If it was only a matter of Divine Sense consumption, Mo Hua wasn't afraid. After all, neither his Spiritual Root nor his Body Refinement were anything to write home about—he only had a bit of an advantage in Divine Sense.

Mo Hua looked at Bai Zixi with his pair of glossy black, spirited eyes, full of expectation.

Bai Zixi understood, sighed lightly, and then took out a book from the Phoenix Pattern Storage Bag.