Chapter 233 Rescue_1


The number of cultivators coming from outside Tongxian City had been gradually increasing.

Two months later, Mo Hua sat on a boulder in Inner Mountain, looking at the Compass Disk in his hand and furrowing his brow.

Before, when light spots appeared on the compass, Mo Hua rushed over only to find that most of the time it was Monster Hunters hunting Monster Beasts, or Monster Beasts fighting for territory—seldom were there cultivators fighting to the death.

Occasionally, there were some unfamiliar Monster Hunters, who dressed differently and practiced Taoist skills and used Spiritual Artifacts that were unlike those from Tongxian City, presumably from afar, but they were few in number and rarely encountered.

But now it was different.

In the Inner Mountain of Big Black Mountain, Mo Hua often saw unfamiliar faces.

The light on the Compass Disk indicating battles had greatly increased, many involving outside cultivators.