Chapter 235 Oppression_1

"Can't survive?" Mo Hua was stunned.

Ji Qingbai nodded, didn't want to elaborate, but seeing that Mo Hua, though young, was very capable within Inner Mountain and was not to be underestimated in ability or temperament, he realized he couldn't treat him as a child any longer.

Besides, if he intended to find a livelihood in Tongxian City in the future, he would inevitably have to trouble his father, Mo Shan, so he spoke truthfully:

"Qingxuan City is not like Tongxian City, where the Loose Cultivators no longer have Foundation Establishment Cultivators to protect them."

"The last Foundation Establishment Loose Cultivator in Qingxuan City, Elder Zheng, passed away a year ago. During this past year, without any Foundation Establishment Cultivators among us, we Loose Cultivators have been oppressed by the families, forced to live at their mercy, and life has become more difficult by the day."