975 Chapter: Out of Control

The Bee King's compound eyes shone with deep and dark blue waves in the Sea of Souls.

In the lowest level of Netherworld Prison, amidst the Sea of Souls, countless azure lightning bolts intertwined, and a soul shadow left by the Bee King was ingesting these bolts, its soul-like spiritual body seeming to rapidly materialize.

Purgatory, that expanse of golden iron Continent covering the bottom layer of Purgatory, had its surface crackling with innumerable streaks of golden lightning.

Erratic and unrestrained, the lightning surged madly as if to form an odd body.

Hidden deep within the Mysterious Fog Sea, the origins of power lying at the bottom of both major worlds, were all converging strength.


The mist in the Misty Sea still rose upward.

The commoners within the realm of 'Prison' found their view of the Outer Star River gradually obscured by the mist, preventing them from seeing the stars, moon, or the terror-inducing God-like bodies that resembled great suns.