Volume 1 Chapter 2: The Heroic Lu Shi!

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Ye Huang, you could call me Elder Huang within the sect."

Ye Huang, the examiner who was indifferent this whole time, relaxed his face. He turned to the group of youth with extreme satisfaction.

"You guys could be considered as the best batch from this region. If you need anything after entering the sect, just call me."

The youths who were used to his indifference were stunned for a moment before they cupped their fists at him, "Greetings, Elder Huang!"

"Alright. To quickly reach the sect, we can ride on this treasure. Everyone, enter the treasure!"

After a considerable distance, Elder

Huang threw out a miniature carriage from his spatial ring and it enlarged on its own, reaching the size of a house.

The youths excitedly entered the carriage, and Fang Zhaoge was no different. He traced the metallic luster of the carriage. It was cold and firm.

The inside was enough to carry over thirty people.

After everyone was abroad, the carriage floated and flew at lightning speed. The inside was protected by the formation, so the people inside remained unaffected.

"The journey would take around two hours. In the meantime, you could cultivate or familiarize yourself with your fellow disciples."

After Elder Huang's figure was gone, some disciples chatted with each other while most of them looked at the scenery outside in awe. Fang Zhaoge chooses to use his free time to cultivate.

The scenery was the same as when he was on a plane in his previous world. Although amazing, he wasn't so shocked as to be in complete awe. 

He could feel the bottleneck of 9th Qi Refinement begin to loosen. Perhaps it was the stimulation from the Body Burning Battle Stance.

Soon, qi entered his meridian

vigorously. This whole time, Fang Zhaoge has a hunch. He was basically invincible in the Qi Refinement realm now, and his strong physique could accommodate more qi.

Perhaps more than 10th Qi Refinement practitioner could accommodate.

Thinking of this, Fang Zhaoge looked thoughtful.

'Perhaps I could enter 11th Qi Refinement?'

Of course, right now, the feeling was still vague. He's just a mere 8th Qi Refinement, after all. But it was a possibility. It may sound ridiculous, but his physique was something that a Qi Refinement expert wasn't supposed to have.

It was 15x that of a normal Qi Refinement practitioner! No matter how high cultivation nor combat techniques a Qi Refinement practitioner has, and no matter how proficient they are in them, could they be stronger by 15x than a standard peak Qi Refinement practitioner?

'But… Is that even possible? And how about when the amplification reached 50x?'

Fang Zhaoge became more excited the more he thought about this. He couldn't wait to arrive at the sect and let everyone know that he was trash!

One would think he has a special fetish.

He could already imagine the picture of him being defeated by a 5th Qi Refinement disciple when he was at 9th Qi Refinement…

"Tsk! What a piece of trash!"

"I'm ashamed to have the same status as him!"

"Fuck you! Why don't you just die and stop embarrassing us outer disciples!"

Fang Zhaoge grinned perversely. He could imagine the amplification going up crazily…

"Hehe Brother, I know what you're thinking. I also can't wait to meet those Junior Sisters! I'm ready to make them infatuated!"

A donkey appeared in front of him. Fang Zhaoge blinked, and gradually the donkey turned into a youth.

His mouth twitched. Not to mention infatuated, they would definitely faint in horror. That he was confident.

"How about it, Brother Ge? Are you interested in cooperating to make a plan for attracting some Junior Sisters? I think you're handsome enough! I already have a name in mind! I'll call it the 'Great Shi Dominates the Land'!"

The donkey-looking creep was Lu Shi. Fang Zhaoge could feel the sincerity of his parents when they named him with such a name.

Fang Zhaoge was speechless. Brother, it's not about my look, it's about yours. Even the devils would shake their heads at your preposterousness.

"Well, I'm interested in Junior Sisters, but I wanted to focus on cultivating."

The donkey-looking Lu Shi shook his head as if it was a pity, "Brother, we would make a good pair. You with your handsome look and me with my even more handsome look. Oh well, a pity, a pity…"

Fang Zhaoge couldn't take it anymore, and he kicked him away, "Get lost!"

It's fine for you to be shameless with that kind of face, but don't be delusional.

"Tsk, you're just jealous!"

Jealous? Why the fuck would I be jealous? And even if I were, why would I be jealous of you?!

After Lu Shi went to the other disciples, Fang Zhaoge closed his eyes and focused on the bottleneck. It has loosened up considerably, just waiting for a momentum to push through it.

The journey was unusually smooth. Usually, with the existence of Lin Ming, something would definitely happen. Fang Zhaoge sighed in relief, it's best for me to go to the sect quickly–


'Fuck Lin Ming!'

Fang Zhaoge cursed when the carriage stumbled. The youths seemed to be oblivious to it, thinking that it was something usual.

"Fuck! My face!"

Lu Shi who was fooling around was the only one who ran around, and he was thrown across the carriage. The disciples laughed at him.

"This damn Lu Shi kept fooling around!"

"My stomach hurts!"

The laughter was contagious, and soon, even Fang Zhaoge chuckled. But everyone stopped abruptly when the bloody figure of Elder Huang appeared from the entrance.

"Everyone! The enemy has ambushed us on our route! I could block them off in the meantime, but this is an opportunity for you to face the true world of cultivation! The world where everyone wouldn't bat an eye when someone massacred a whole Kingdom!"

Despite being bloody, Elder Huang was still as stable as ever. His eyes are sharp, staring at each of them.

"I don't ask much. Just attack those bastards who were hanging off the carriage like flies! Don't worry, I won't let anyone above 10th Qi Refinement pass through!"

After that, Elder Huang disappeared. The youths were in awe, and also excited with a bit of fear. They looked at each other.

"What should we do…?"

"What else could we do?! We will try our best to fend those guys off!"

Lin Ming, who was quiet the whole time, stepped forward bravely. His eyes were sharp as he clenched his fists. The youths solemnly nodded to each other and took a deep breath.

"F*ck! A donkey?! Why the f*ck would god create such a monster?! I couldn't take this anymore!"

Lu Shi, who just woke up from his stupor, was shocked when a black-masked man appeared in front of him. However, the man was so horrified by his face that he stumbled and fell to his death.

On the ground, the man's face was that of pure disgust. He died in disgust.

"Haha! Just give up! I know you couldn't bear to lay a hand on such a handsome young man like me!"

The group looked at Lu Shi blankly. We know he's ugly, but how could you die because he's ugly? Doesn't it mean someone who looked at his face could be branded as someone who survived death?

And what do you mean you couldn't take it anymore? Did someone as ugly as him toy you to death or something? Perhaps he did your mother?

The group was filled with all kinds of thoughts, but a shout from Lin Ming woke them up.

Lin Ming was exchanging moves with an 8th Qi Refinement practitioner. What's impressive is the fact that he actually had the upper hand!

"Brothers! Swarmed them to death!"

"Got it!"

A handsome youth took the lead, and the youths behind him followed him courageously. All of them are only around 3nd to 5th Qi Refinement, but when they joined forces, even someone at 8th Qi Refinement would be loaded to death!

Fang Zhaoge is also fighting against someone at 5th Qi Refinement with two other youths. His previous imagination surfaced, but he shook it off. Besides, he realized that someone at 5th Qi Refinement couldn't do much to him.

A few minutes had passed, yet the result was still unknown.

However, Fang Zhaoge and the other two youths 'accidentally' killed their opponent when Fang Zhaoge unintentionally broke his knees, and he fell to his death from a simple push from him.

The two youths were dumbfounded, but they quickly came to their senses and helped the other fend off their opponents.

Because of this, the battle was slowly tilted to their side. But then, a black figure appeared amid the carriage.

Lin Ming, who was exchanging moves with his opponent, was shocked and he couldn't help but tremble. His opponent tried to take advantage of it, but Lin Ming was too steady.

Still, he was mortified.

'A 10th Qi Refinement expert?!'

"Hehehe, such an impressive batch. I wonder how the Scorching Sun Sect would feel when they found out a future Divine Soul expert would die in my hands!?"

The 10th Qi Refinement expert laughed maniacally. His sight was set on Lin Ming. However, he saw someone at the corner of his eyes and he couldn't help but take a look.


The man tried to say something, but his word was stuck in his throat when the heroic donkey-looking creep, Lu Shi, slowly rose from the blood of the other two youths' opponents.

He slipped just now…

"W-What my eyes just witnessed?!"

The black-clothed man was horrified as he looked at him. He involuntarily took a step back, but the blood was slippery, and he fell to his death.

"We… we were saved by his ugliness?"

The group of youth, and even the black-clothed men looked at Lu Shi blankly.

In the end, with Fang Zhaoge and others as reinforcements, the group easily won the battle. However, they still felt empty inside. Only Lu Shi was smiling smugly, looking as if he was asking for a beating.

Lin Ming was sitting at the corner of the carriage. Everything that he believed in almost crumbled if not for the pendant he was clutching.

Today, a new record was born. A 10th Qi Refinement expert slipped to death by a 2nd Qi Refinement junior!

Fang Zhaoge was dumbfounded the whole time. He almost revealed his full strength just now. After all, if he has the ability to save someone, he would definitely feel terrible if he didn't save these guys.

Damn, these black-clothed guys are too vain! Do you truly think that looks are everything!?

In the hidden corner of the carriage, Elder Huang who witnessed everything looked at the group with blank eyes. It's better for him to regard what happened as a dream, right?

Yeah, everything's a dream…

"My old ass! The f*ck you're dying for if you could be stunned by some donkey-face?!"

This was supposed to be the hidden test for these new recruits. But these damn guys died because they slipped? And the reason was an excessively, out of this world, ugly face?!

Elder Huang sighed helplessly. No matter what, they did pass. One of them even made an unprecedented record of defeating a 10th Qi Refinement expert as a 2nd Qi Refinement junior!

In the end, the youths sat down in relief. Some of them had puked earlier, witnessing the scattered organs and blood, but as cultivators, they quickly gathered themselves.

They also have to admit that Lu Shi has indeed saved them.

"I'm the shining light, the most lustrous, handsome man there is!" Lu Shi laughed out loud. The extreme contrast of what he said and his face was too much for the youths, and one of them couldn't help but lashed out.

"Oi Lu Shi, why don't you go outside and ask a person how they think of you?"

"I did, and they fainted!"

The youth was speechless. In the end, he just sighed out.

"He's hopeless."