Volume 1 Chapter 4: 11th Qi Refinement Realm!

"I wonder if Sword Peak would be able to accommodate a Soul Formation talent like me?"

Fang Zhaoge cupped his fists at Liu Tianji. He decides to go straight to the point. He was anxious for a breakthrough, and also to test his theory regarding the 11th Qi Refinement realm.

Liu Tianji showed a surprised look. It was the first time he met such a straightforward new recruit. After all, people like to beat around the bush. Especially a youth like him, who was often wishy-washy.

However, same with the Body Tempering Peak, his Sword Peak is also filled with bold and straightforward people! Lu Tianji's handsome face showed a smile.

"Alright, if Junior Brother is anxious to join my Sword Peak, who am I to refuse such a talent?"

Lu Tianji wordlessly brings out a silver jade slip and a scripture, handing them out to Fang Zhaoge.

"I won't talk much. As a sword cultivator, we must be bold and brave! From today onwards, you, Qin Zhaoge, shall be one of my fellow sword cultivators! Our rule is that if you fight, we'll fight with you! If you surrender, we'll still fight it out! And if you betray us, we'll chase you to the end of the world! I'll trust that you won't do such a disgraceful thing, as you were selected personally by Elder Huang, our brightest sun!"

Despite the indifference of Liu Tianji's handsome, angular face, Fang Zhaoge was overwhelmed by the sheer pressure of his heroic and bold aura. If not for Liu Tianji suppressing his aura, perhaps he would already be on the ground.

"Junior Brother Ge, this is the identification of our Sword Peak, while this scripture contains a low level black combat technique, the first slash of Seven Slashes Severing the Seven Seas! As for your cottage, you could choose one at the bottom of the Sword Peak. Right now, you're only an outer disciple."

After several instructions from Liu Tianji, Fang Zhaoge bid farewell and went to the Sword Peak. It was distinguished by the sharpness the peak exuded.

Fang Zhaoge was amazed. What sort of being could make a whole peak exude such an intense sword aura? Perhaps it was an unbelievably huge formation?

Soon, he reached the mountain foot where several disciples were guarding the entrance of the Sword Peak. They seem to be swinging their sword repetitively, as if undergoing a form of training.

Fang Zhaoge cupped his fists, "Greetings, Senior Brothers!"

One of them, a youth with a mole under his mouth nodded at him, "You're the new disciple?"

"That's right!"

"For Senior Brother Liu Tianji to send you here directly means that you have the qualification to join our peak. Alright, I'll show you around!"

A youth with a bandana and a scar running through his left eye stepped forward and gestured to him to follow. Fang Zhaoge maintained his polite attitude as he climbed the peak with him.

After a few steps, the young man stopped.

"At the bottom of the mountain, the training ground will be at the east from the outer disciples' abode. You could go there to test out your combat power!"

The youth pointed to the back of a thick forest besides the foot of the mountain, where he could vaguely hear swords clashing and rattans being destroyed.

They continued, walking towards the west of the Sword Peak. As the peak was huge, it took a long time to detour it. The peak itself could be considered as a humongous mountain, reaching over 100.000 km! So it could be imagined how far it was to take a detour around it.

Fortunately, they're cultivators. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the west side of the foot mountain, where several disciples ran around in what seemed like a flea market.

"At the west side of the foot mountain, you could find the chamber of commerce built by the disciples to exchange the items you need."

"I understand."

After a quick look, the young man once again took a detour, but this time they climbed the peak around 500 meters before they stopped. Just above the normal outer disciple area.

"On this height, there's the outer female disciple's abode. Beware, do not carelessly enter this area. Female sword cultivators are as ferocious as tigresses! You do not want to mess with them!"

The man traced the scar on his left eye, thinking about the past in horror. Regarding this, Fang Zhaoge naturally understood, and he showed a fearful look.

"The male and female were separated because the Peak Master feared that each party would be distracted by each other amidst their training."

After they went down the mountain, the young man patted his shoulder.

"Alright, that's all you need to know at the current moment. You could choose an empty cottage in the outer disciple's area beside the training ground. With this, I wish you good luck."

Sword cultivators are truly straightforward. Immediately, the young man ran at full speed and went back to his post. Fang Zhaoge was unwilling to waste anymore time, so he quickly arrived at the outer disciple area.

Surprisingly, it was empty. Only the occasional swiveling sound of swings inside the cottages could be heard. As expected of sword cultivators, they're diligent to the extreme!

After finding a comfortable, empty cottage at the edge of the area, nearest to the female outer disciple area above, Fang Zhaoge immediately opened up the scripture.

He sat on a mat prepared by the sect. It was soft, unlike what he had in his home. Fang Zhaoge was satisfied with the cottage. With an area of over 100m², now, he does not need to fear destroying his house when he's training!

Thus, after a long day, Fang Zhaoge could finally go into seclusion!

"Now that I think about it, I wonder why the simulation did not mention the peaks within the Scorching Sun Sect?"

A sudden thought appeared in his mind. Fang Zhaoge furrowed his eyebrows.

Perhaps the system wouldn't explain in detail the places he had yet to visit? If so, then, it would probably mention the place without explaining anything about it.

It's somewhat an ambiguous speculation, but it's the best he got.

"Forget it. It's better for me to cultivate."

Shaking his head, Fang Zhaoge took out the scripture of the Seven Slashes Severing the Seven Seas. After a few hours of reading, he stood up and brought out his rusty sword.

"Seven Slashes Severing the Seven Seas. Each slash contains the intent to sever and destroy a sea! The power will be doubled after each slash! When the final slash was performed, the overall power would be increased by over 777 times its first slash!"

It means the second slash would double the power of the first slash, the third slash would quadruple the power of the first slash, and it went on until it reached the seventh slash where it would increase its power by 777 times from its initial power!

More than 10 times compared to the sixth slash!

Fang Zhaoge's heart shook. Perhaps the only reason he could get his hands on this combat technique is because Liu Tianji recognized his talent. Because it's too difficult to comprehend even the first slash!

Every tiny detail when the sword was swung had to be strictly scrutinized with qi, to bring the full potential of what a swing could do. And the further the order of the slash, the more complicated it would be!

Fang Zhaoge only received the first slash, and he's confident it could at least double his power!

It has to be known that just this one slash is worth a sect's low level black combat technique…

"What a godlike combat technique!"

How powerful will the last slash be?

Maybe it could reach the power of the fabled immortal combat technique?

The most important aspect of this technique is its consistency in giving strength. It was deprived of an unimaginably high-grade combat technique, so even if he reached the unimaginable realm, the boost remained the same. Unless he discovered the true grade of this technique.

The purpose is to sever a sea with each of the seven slashes! A Soul Formation expert wasn't even comparable to an ant if facing such an existence.

Excited, Fang Zhaoge made his first attempt to perform the first slash, and he embarrassingly failed.

It did not showcase even a bit of the Seven Slashes Severing the Seven Seas' domineering aura.


Fang Zhaoge was determined. Like a man possessed, he kept swinging his sword. Every swing was full of intent, and was scrutinized deeply by him. But even after a day of swinging, he could only bring about 50% of its strength.

He was mentally exhausted. A full day of scrutinizing deeply is tiring even for a cultivator.

But it's enough.

[Abilities: Qi Drawing Technique (Level 1 Master), Mountain Breaking Fist (Level 1 Master), Sun Drawing Technique (Level 2 Master), Burning Body Battle Stance (Level 1 Adept), Seven Slashes Severing the Seven Seas (First Slash) (Level 9 Entry)]

"Level 9… What kind of existence is it?"

Yellow technique is equal to level 1 in the system. Does that mean level 9 is equal to eight realms above his current cultivation?

Fang Zhaoge was amazed that he could get his hands on such a technique. He felt like an ant gazing at something he wasn't supposed to.

"I wonder if I could upgrade it with attribute points?"

Fang Zhaoge thought it was feasible, but soon he shook it off. The amount needed was equivalent to the technique's grade and proficiency. Just how much simulations would he need to gather enough attribute points for a level 9 technique at his current level?

He couldn't do simulation anyway. After all, he is accumulating energy to pull the 20x concecutive simulations!

After thinking for a while, Fang Zhaoge sighed exhaustedly. He needs to recover for a little bit.

Soon, he entered a meditation state. And before he realized it, he seamlessly entered 9th Qi Refinement realm.

Fang Zhaoge wasn't surprised. He already expected it. The bottleneck has been loosened long ago, and the intense training to grasp the first slash stimulates it.

He treated it as something that was bound to happen, and soon he began cultivating again. After he recuperates, he will practice the first slash again.

It went on for about five days before he brokethrough. In the cottage, Fang Zhaoge's meditative figure emitted a shocking aura as he opened his eyes.

"10th Qi Refinement Realm."

Now, he could be considered peerless in the Qi Refinement realm throughout history!

"A pity the First Slash has not made a single improvement."

Fang Zhaoge shook his head in pity, but he wasn't surprised. Such an invincible combat technique is not something one could comprehend whenever they wanted to.

Soon, he takes a look at his combat power.

[Combat Power: 2.112 tonnes (140,8x15)]

The unit has changed to tonnes.

Fang Zhaoge stared at the panel and looked at his fist. He clenched it, feeling the powerful feeling that ran through his course. He slightly pushed his fist, and a shockwave was easily created!

Over 6 million kg maximum power! Few 2nd Foundation Establishment experts could take on his attacks now.

Now that he reached the 10th Qi Refinement realm, Fang Zhaoge wanted to check something out. He cultivates again, guiding qi into his meridian. And weirdly enough, despite being at the peak of Qi Refinement realm, his body still absorbed the qi into his meridians.

"So it's true!"

Despite theorizing it before, Fang Zhaoge was still shocked by the revelation. He continuously guided the qi in the air, and his meridians absorbed them endlessly, as if they were insatiable pits.

It was countless times more concentrated than when he was outside. After all, the formation gathered the qi from the outside. It was almost mandatory for every peak to have this kind of formation.

"So the key is to have a body that could accommodate more qi. The stronger the body, the more qi it could absorb and accomodate. For a Qi Refinement practitioner, their physical body is their sole foundation, and the only way they have to absorb qi."

The reason why Fang Zhaoge still cultivates faster than Lin Ming despite his lower talent is his cheat-like 15x amplification in strength.

His body was strengthened 15x stronger than an ordinary Qi Refinement body. So he also cultivates 15x faster.

Fang Zhaoge became impatient. He wanted to max out the amplification! But he held on. He wanted to see if 11th Qi Refinement realm actually existed!

This time, he bitterly cultivates for over ten days.

Fang Zhaoge suddenly stopped guiding qi in the middle of cultivating, and he opened his eyes. He took a deep breath.

Then, he roared. His body suddenly exuded a mind-numbing pressure. Even 3rd Foundation Establishment experts aren't that imposing!

The wave of qi from his body shook the ground of the outer disciple area, and for the moment, the outer disciples looked down in confusion. The land of the Scorching Sun Sect is clearly so steady, so how could it shake?

Some disciples speculate that a Senior Brother has made a breakthrough, and most of them nodded. A few of them are still skeptical, but they have no time to waste. They gotta train!

Soon, the outer disciple area of Sword Peak returned to calm. Only a middle aged man looking at a cottage closest to the female outer disciple area remained outside, with his chest filled with mixed feelings.

"I was clearly the one who discovered you, but it's the Sword Peak that ended up profiting instead."

"Hahahah! Old Huang, are you so free to have the time to observe an outer disciple of my Sword Peak?"

Behind the middle aged man, a black figure appeared through unknown means. It was revealed to be also a middle aged man with an unbelievably handsome face, with soft stubbles covering his chin.

His starry eyes and sword-like eyebrows along with his sharp nose are heroic as his black, dashing robe swayed in the wind. He looked like an exiled immortal.

"Li Tianwen, you won't mind if I take back that disciple, would you?"

The starry-eyed man, Li Tianwen just smiled. He looked at the sky gently.

"Everything that happened has been fated. Even if you forced that lad to move to your Body Tempering Peak, if fate did not permit it, it would be useless."

Old Huang brings out a gourd of wine as he scoffs at the starry-eyed man.

"Bah! For you to talk about fate! It's not me who kept slashing his sword for the sole purpose of severing his undeserved fates! You're quite shameless for a sword cultivator!"

The starry-eyed man coughed, and he laughed crookedly. Old Huang just snorted, pouring the gourd of wine into a bowl he got from somewhere.

"But that, er, donkey-looking lad is not bad. His fate is quite peculiar. Defeating an expert eight stages above him with his ugliness… And not to mention Lin Ming, our sect's future Divine Soul expert!"

Li Tianwen reasoned as he also

brought out his bowl, and Old Huang wordlessly poured his gourd into it.

"It's not about talent. It's temperament! That kid Ge is too steady. He didn't even let his neighbors from his village know his true strength! Tell me, when we were his age, could we compare to him?"

Old Huang took a sip, and hummed as the taste of wine touched his tongue. Li Tianwen, on the other hand, gulped down the whole thing. He sighed in delight afterward.

"Being too steady could also be detrimental. But I see your point. It was impressive for a youth to have that kind of steadiness. It's also that steadiness that allowed him to discover the mythical 11th Qi Refinement realm before breaking through to Foundation Establishment!"

Li Tianwen became emotional. These days, people judge geniuses by how fast they reach a certain realm. Don't they know that foundation is the most important thing of all?

"11th Qi Refinement realm… I didn't expect Qin Zhaoge to be the one who achieved it. If only I could take him back!"

The more Old Huang thought about it, the more he regretted it. Damn that donkey! He made him lose such a legendary disciple! Old Huang gritted his teeth.

'Just wait and see the things you'll be subjected to!'

Li Tianwen grinned as he took the gourd and poured the wine on his own, chuckling at his fellow disciple's curses.

"Fate, it's all about fate…"

"My old ass!"

They bickered with each other for a while. But then, Old Huang became thoughtful, and he looked at Li Tianwen quizzically.

"Wen, the mother of your daughter… how is she?"

When Li Tianwen heard this, his easygoing demeanor dissipated. He became dispirited as his starry eyes looked up to the moon.

"Not yet, Old Huang, not strong enough. I'm not strong enough to bring her back yet."

A look of longing within the depth of Li Tianwen's starry eyes is indiscernible. There's love, hate, and a cluster of complex emotions.

Old Huang just sighed as he sat down, pouring yet another wine into his bowl.

It couldn't be imagined the standing and temperament of a woman that even Li Tianwen, the most dazzling genius in Scorching Sun Sect's history, gets his breath taken away just by the mention of her.

"You're already the most dazzling genius of the sect throughout its history, and even the outside world doesn't know what sort of heights you've reached. Yet… you couldn't bring her back yet?"

Li Tianwen's breaths are steady, yet his heart was in intense turmoil.

"They are unimaginably strong. Colossus even in the fabled immortal world. I'm not worthy of her yet. But one day, when my sword could sever even the true manifestation of fate…"

Li Tianwen's aura soon changed. Like a half unsheathed sword, showing off its might and its pride. His unbelievably handsome face was enhanced even more, and perhaps a mortal woman would died of blood loss just by the sight of this man.

"I'll sever my mortal fate and be immortal!"

I'll sever my mortal fate and be immortal!

Old Huang sighed. This old friend of his is still as heroic as when they were young. No, he became even more heroic than before!

"I promised Little Zhi to bring her mother back, and a sword cultivator never bent for their promises! Not even for death!"

A world turning sword intent was revealed to the world that day, compelling even the sky to bow!