Volume 1 Chapter 15: The War!

Before the Scorching Sun Sect's massive walls, waited an unbelievably huge army made up of countless beings. Some stood strong on the ground, wielding their weapons as their eyes coldly gazed upon the gate.

Countless mounts are flying above the army, the experts riding on them preparing and charging their attacks to fulfil their goal of utterly obliterating the sect before them!

The army was extensive beyond words! Even the eyesight of a Soul Formation expert cannot see the limit of the gathering of these armies.

Such an army was made up of seven of the Sects of the Eight Regions! Each of them is unbelievably powerful, and now, their strongest experts and allies gathered in one place for they wanted to exterminate their lifelong foes!

At the utmost front, seven figures, each representing the parties within the allied force, stood calmly. They would occasionally look above, as if expecting something to come.

"When that being came out, only they would move. It will be a waste to employ those beings for mere mortals."

A cold, red-eyed figure with yellow streaks across his tanned skin with yellow robes calmly told the situation as he looked at the walls, his face showing a mocking sneer.

The other representative nodded in understanding. They are relaxed. Seven versus one… what's there to be tense about?

For them, coming here was only because the Scorching Sun Sect had accumulated countless treasures in their years of reigning the region, and they wanted to have a share of it!

In fact, many wanted to be in their positions, but because they're the strongest ones, they were naturally chosen!

The army was also relaxed. Some even took the opportunity to mock the Scorching Sun Sect. It's not every day they could have the chance to mock a famous, domineering sect without any consequences!

In their minds, today, the Sects of the Eight Regions will be changed to the Seven Sects of the Eight Regions!

Way above the army, seven hazy figures, including the Heavenly Emperor calmly assessed the situation below. They are the leaders of their respective forces.

"The attack should be starting a minute later. Well, which treasure do you wish to get?"

A stout, big man with a huge club on his shoulders gleefully smirked as he looked at the Scorching Sun Sect. His eyes are full of greed.

He is King Be!

"I took a fancy to Scorching Sun Sect's Pheonix's blood essence. I heard one of its founders kept it for a successor that fits his preference. A pity that it would be mine!"

"I'll take the famous Five Flames Cauldron."

"The formulas of those inscriptions are all mine!"

Each force stated their intention. After they came to a consensus, other than the Heavenly Emperor, they went back to their previous position with a satisfied smile.

"Also, I've heard that the Great Ming Empire lent the Scorching Sun Sect a hand."

"Heh, not bad! An extra income for us! That Princess Shinmeng is also not a bad seedling. We could take her to one of our Young Masters in the Immortal World to entertain them!"

The heads of the forces within the army talked about all kinds of things leisurely.

"What about you, 'Leader'?"

The red-eyed man with denser yellow streaks across his skin mocked the Heavenly Emperor.

Turns out, he was from the Pi Xiu clan, the only clan of demonic beasts from the Immortal World in this world!

"I'll just observe the formation after it gets destroyed. It's worth my dedication."

The Heavenly Emperor suppressed his rage as he indifferently stated. His regal eyes stared straight at the pair of the Pi Xiu's red eyes, and the latter stepped back involuntarily.

The dignity of the Heavenly Emperor… very few could withstand it!

"Hmph! You think we don't know your connection with those bastards? You think I didn't notice the way you placed your army last so they wouldn't have a chance to attack? What? You want to start a conflict here? Bring it on!"

The Pi Xiu's clan head felt embarrassed and lashed out furiously. However, the Heavenly Emperor acted as if nothing happened, and he turned his back on him.

"It's been a minute. Let's go!"

The heads of each force looked at each other. It was especially so for a voluptuous, charming woman and a scholarly, refined man. They looked at each other worriedly.

Others may only have heard of the legendary Li Tianwen, but they have met him!

And if there's only one thing that they could learn from him…

Do not think that they could win against such a man!

At most, they could only come to a consensus or a draw. And it was only when they fought with all of their forces!

Because he was so outstanding! So outstanding that even they could only withstand a casual flick from him.

The woman and man determinedly nodded at each other secretly. If there's something strange, even just a little bit, they must retreat immediately!

They couldn't afford to make mistakes when it comes to dealing with that man!

Before they flew down to start the war, one of them, a man with a pleasing face perfect for flattering, suddenly asked the red-eyed Pi Xiu.

"Brother Xi, now that I think about it, a person such as Li Tianwen would only ascend when he has an assurance, no? Do you think… he has already reached that state?"

The Pi Xiu froze. His red eyes narrowed momentarily before he snorted grudgingly,

"Impossible! Even if my Patriarch told me that Li Tianwen is the best genius in terms of combat technique in history, it's basically impossible to reach that state under a thousand years old!"

"But, isn't Li Tianwen famous for breaking people's common sense?"

"Enough! Do you want to attack Li Tianwen's ally or flatter him?!"

The Pi Xiu raged out, and the pleasing-faced man shrank. However, he couldn't help but think about it over and over again. The more he thought about it, the more this eerie feeling became clear.

'If there's something strange, I'll definitely run away even if my mother blocks me!'

Soon, the huge army noticed the clouds above being moved by a mysterious force, and seven mighty figures descended!

Each of them has different auras, but one thing is certain, they are extremely powerful!


At the front stood a tanned man with dense yellow streaks across his body. As soon as he descended, he performed a strong punch and a ferocious attack shot out from his fist!

The impact created a deafening boom. However, although there were some cracks, the wall remained strong.

"Everyone, attack with all you've got! And make sure to launch simultaneously to create a combined attack!"

The army, below and above saluted to the Pi Xiu as they began to accumulate qi. After a few seconds, the first wave of attack descended!

The seven mighty figures also joined into the fray. After a few minutes of bombardment, the walls easily fell down, and the formation, along with the Scorching Sun Sect's solemn disciples were exposed to them.

Inside the formation, the Sect Master and the Peak Masters calmly sipped their tea as they saw the mock, greed and glee in the eyes of their enemies. The Emperor of the Great Ming Empire sat with them while Princess Shinmeng sat beside him, her eyes expectantly looking up.

Unfortunately, by the time she and her father arrive, the Overlord already left to do his part.

Meanwhile, the disciples and the elders tensed up as they began to prepare an attack in each of their own fields.

The alchemists stuffed a bunch of poisonous gas, the inscription writers positioned their offensive inscriptions, the Frozen Hall Peak's maidens began to play their zithers with their sweaty hands…

The reinforcement from the Great Ming Empire stood before them as defenders. Their eyes are cold as ice as they locked onto the enemies.

They are ready to fight to the death. However, some attentive soldiers, disciples and elders began to notice their leaders being at utmost ease. They thought confusedly, did they miss something?

Did they just let it be and accept their death? Or perhaps they have some hidden plans?

On the other hand, the Sect Master, the Emperor and the Peak Masters they talked about really wanted to mock the army so badly that even their sisters could only call them their exes to avoid embarrassment if they did so. However, the Overlord wanted to show them something!

And he asked them to stay put and not to mess around! And also not to disturb him while he performed.

Although he said it in polite words, the leaders of the Scorching Sun Sect couldn't help but have their eyes twitched.

Li Tianwen, you're truly not bad. Even your disciple inherited your shamelessness! You're indeed the most powerful one out of us all! What the f*ck you're teaching to the Overlord!?

The Emperor only laughed.

The disciples of the Scorching Sun Sect glared at the army, and they responded by sneering at them. The atmosphere was tense. But weirdly enough, the upper echelon of each side remained calm and at ease.

Each side has their own reasons for their calmness.

"So it is the day when you'll be exterminated. How is it, Mu Yuanhang? Do you wish to beg for mercy before it was too late? Who knows, maybe I will have a change of heart when seeing your pitiful, kneeling figure!"

"And you, Emperor, did a donkey hit your head or something? Why the f*ck would you jump into a dead man's destination? Do you wish to be buried together with them?!"

The Pi Xiu at the front laughed arrogantly. Behind him, some laughed along, some remained stoic while the rest turned concerned. The Heavenly Emperor stayed silent, his purple eyes roamed about the surroundings.

Like the disciples of the Scorching Sun Sect, he was also confused. These guys were clearly cornered, but why were they at so much ease? And why do the Emperor of the Great Ming Empire decides to lend them a hand?

He narrowed his eyes. But he still can't figure it out.

"Xe Xi, you and your loud as hell mouth. Why don't you f*ck off and asked your asshole, "Why are you so jealous of my mouth?"

The Sect Master's mouth twitched. The Body-Tempering Peak Master is indeed a warrior. He indeed acts as he likes. He's also so f*cking creative at creating insults.

"Wu Hyuan, come out! Let's see which one is stronger! Your body-tempering technique or my divine Pi Xiu's physique!" The Pi Xiu was so mad he asked for one by one. However, Wu Hyuan just patted his butt and stood behind the Sect Master.


"You old, crippled sick f*ck should just go to bed and sleep! I'm afraid your crinkling bones will collapse when a grandson crashes against you!"

Damn! The disciples and even the army turned speechless. This Peak Master was quite ruthless! No, he's too ruthless!

King Be's mouth twitched. Damn, I wanted to laugh, but how could he laugh at the joke of his enemy? Isn't that just like uplifting one's nemesis?

Old Pe was so furious he immediately jumped towards the formation and smashed it with his staff! However, it won't budge, as if nothing could shake it!

"Do you believe me if I say I'm going to skin you alive?!"

"I know you wanted your skin to not be wrinkled anymore. But just accept it! Don't wear anyone's skin!"

Old Pe truly couldn't take it anymore. His old face turned red like a flushed young girl and he turned to the army as he stomped forward.

"Go! Attack these damn bastards to hell!!! Make sure not even their bones could survive!"

"You're not replacing your crinkling old bones with the, uh, bone dusts, right?"

Now, Old Pe truly truly couldn't take it anymore. He roared, as if the heaven itself owed him an explanation! "ARGHH–!"

Unfortunately, he puked blood and fainted. It seems like his old constitution cannot uphold his youthful aspirations. The other Peak Masters, the Emperor and the Sect Master shook their heads as they sighed.

"Peak Master Wu was too much, as always."

"It was as if he had some personal grudges towards old men. I don't get it."

The other heads of the seven sects looked at each other blankly. They don't even feel embarrassed. They just felt something was strange. These guys from the Scorching Sun Sect don't seem to be the ones getting cornered.

Even the Pi Xiu who was the most excited hesitated. However, he quickly stabilized his heart and commanded the whole army to move.

Although Old Pe was the head of the Poisonous Gu Sect, his combat power was pretty bad, so his 'absence' did not raise any waves.


Another wave of billions of attacks once again bombarded the Scorching Sun Sect! However, different from the walls, the formation was way more formidable. Even after a few hours, it remained still!

The people inside the formation were already exhausted. Now, the elders must take charge. On the other hand, the Peak Masters and the Sect Master still remained at ease. They instead looked up to the sky expectantly.

And finally, when the elders were about to be exhausted, a tremendous, supreme ambience instantaneously covered the whole army! It was so strong that billions of cultivators made up from Nascent Soul experts up to Divine Soul experts couldn't even budge before they lay flat on their stomachs!

Merely by the aura alone!

The heads of the seven Region Sects froze. Additionally, the charming woman and the scholarly man had already left previously, just before the elders took over the formation. It was also the same for the pleasing-faced man.

Others were so concerned about the increased share that they did not notice anything strange at all. All they thought of was the benefits that they could get and the increased share they'd get!

"Three people are smart enough. One of you even got my respect. Now, as for the rest of the three…"

The clouds were separated, as if they make way in their own will for someone exalted. And a being covered in divine light descended upon the battlefield! His eyes are bright, his face was handsome, and his gait was dashing!

In his hand existed a long, simple sword. Just an ordinary sword. But in the hand of this being, it was as if it was a divine weapon! Besides him stood an equally divine woman. Her eyes roamed around mischievously as she covered her mouth.

"Just let this daddy beat you up!"


Princess Shinmeng excitedly stood up and smiled giddily like a fangirl. In the end, despite her coldness and maturity, she's still a 14 years old girl.

Besides her, the Emperor's face changed as he looked at his daughter. He cupped his forehead distressingly, 'I knew it! She had other intentions!'