Volume 1 Chapter 21: Star Institution

In a remote area within the vicinity of the subsidiary force of the Immortal World, the Star Institution, Fang Zhaoge mysteriously appeared with his disheveled look. Combined with his purely white skin, he truly looked like a ghost.

A handsome ghost, that is!

"Just when I thought I have become genuinely invincible in this world, that senior, who could rip the void apart at will, warned me to reach a realm I've never even heard of."

"Is it me who is too weak or them who are too strong?"

Fang Zhaoge didn't get it. He completely surpassed the mortals and has stepped into Immortality in terms of strength, but he could be cast aside by a being in this world like a fly?

It's all because of the common sense brought from living in his former world. He lamented. Back then, 1 ton was already so impressive. But here, it was even more insignificant than a speck of dust…

A sun used to be so impressive, but here, its weight couldn't even shake the mountains.

"I guess the plan to clear out the Forbidden Zones must be put on hold."

What a joke! Even that senior couldn't do anything to these zones. What the hell could a weakling like him do?!

Fang Zhaoge stubbornly planted a seed of thought in his mind. And that is to never underestimate a world of cultivation!

It's always the same cycle, that when he thought he had become invincible, an even more ridiculous force would come knocking on his doors.

There are so many thoughts regarding things that happened and what could possibly be connected to them, but he felt like he would just waste his time tracking all of these speculations…

It's always a must to not treat a speculation as an absolute fact! Even if there are countless facts to prove it. Life is just too fickle, it likes to f*ck with everything.

After recuperating himself and fixing his looks, Fang Zhaoge went out of the dark corner and was greeted by a bustling city. What made it stand out the most is the ever-changing people that passed by.

And the fact that every single one of them exhibited cultured attitudes! Even a 5 years old kid already performed a respectful bow towards the store owner.

He was truly impressed. Soon, with his handsome looks, he easily integrated himself with the crowd. He even looked more cultured than most!

As expected of the aura of the Immortal Slayer, the supreme aura that could subdue even Immortals!

Fang Zhaoge came out of pure curiosity. As the territory of a well-known scholar capital, the Star Institution, it would surely store a lot of information regarding every aspect of life. Especially about cultivation!

And he did not hide his face either. Although he suffered a setback in his confidence because he visited a Forbidden Zone, in many people's eyes, he's still the godly Overlord who could easily repel Immortals!

The buildings are neat and were placed very efficiently. What made him speechless was that one corner that looked like pieces of a puzzle being combined into one. Just how intricate are these people? They did not even waste an inch!

After a while, an extinguished scholar with a neat blue robe silently appeared before Fang Zhaoge and bowed in an extremely respectful manner.

The scholar was inwardly in awe. This is the figure that even the ancestors have to be respectful of! He didn't dare to show even the slightest bit of negligence.

Fang Zhaoge would be proud if he hadn't visited the Dark Forest. Now, he just waved his hand and wordlessly followed the man. It's not the time to bask in the light of glory, not yet, not yet.

He's too weak…

The scholar also noticed the lack of overbearingness an Overlord should exhibit, and his heart was shaken again. A mortal that could contend with an Immortal, yet he has no sign of being arrogant?

Just how perfect this Overlord is? Gave out the resources of the Immortal World to the masses by holding a competition, not overusing his incredible strength for personal gain. He did not even coerce the defeated forces of the Immortal World!

Other than erasing the heads of the forces and the armies that participated in the war, the Overlord did not do anything further. He even lets the disciples of those forces participate in the competition for resources from the Immortal World!

However, only an idiot would think the Overlord was easy to use. Just see how he utterly exterminated the Immortals as if they were ants with an indifferent look!

The scholar's admiration soared, and he became even more respectful. Strict when he needs to and always be humble otherwise. Truly a young man who deserved to be the Overlord! Also in line with his intricate, rational mind!

Scholars cannot be arrogant, as more knowledge means more awareness, and more awareness means more problems. Too many things are at stake, and such rational beings have no time to waste time on fulfilling their ego.

If Fang Zhaoge heard the long chatters of admiration of the scholar, he'd definitely keep his distance away from him. Too much credit, and also, too many compliments from a man…

Immediately, the blue-robed scholar invited him into a simple carriage. However, after it was activated, its parts suddenly emerged from the seemingly simple details, transforming into a very complex mechanism!

Fang Zhaoge was inwardly in awe. The blue-robed man was beaming with pride as the carriage shot out with a speed comparable to a third of light! In short, it was ridiculously fast!

But in his eyes, the scenery outside was still very clear. Cultivators at his level could do their activities as if it were normal in such a dimension of speed. And the level would only increase as he got stronger.

So in that 30 seconds of the journey, Fang Zhaoge could feel every bit of scenery as the carriage passed by as if it had been 1 hour!

Of course, it was extremely taxing mentally, and many cultivators only entered such a state when they fought. Fang Zhaoge didn't mind exhausting a little bit of his mental capacity, as the city of the Star Institution was very pleasing to the eye!

A second comparable to two minutes!

Soon, an utterly massive library in the form of a heaven-piercing tower gradually emerged in their sights, along with the boundless territory that the eyes couldn't cover. If Fang Zhaoge used a reference, it looks like those magic towers from the works of his previous life.

What's unique is the feeling of a sect with its immortal ambience and tranquil disposition. So a massive magic tower with immortality as its substance!

He was impressed!

The carriage passed the gates as the disciples below bowed respectfully. When that carriage was used, an incomparably distinguished guest came to visit! So distinguished in fact, even their ancestors have to make an appearance.

The disciples who saw the carriage looked at each other in excitement. Who else could it be but the legendary Overlord?

Despite the supposed enmity between them, the disciples admired the Overlord because he was extremely young! They were the same age, yet he could suppress Immortals!

At the top of the tower, a group of otherworldly people gathered as they observed the incoming carriage. Their hearts skipped a beat as it landed before them.

"Zhe, is the Overlord coming?"

From an unknown direction, an aged voice laced with wisdom asked the leader of the group as an old man with long white eyebrows and a lush beard appeared leisurely. The leader of the group, a man with a golden monocle and neat, short hair bowed to the old man.

"Ancestor Zhou! I apologize for not informing the Overlord's arrival."

"It's fine. Although I sometimes defy fate, I also understand that fate is what brought people who were fated together."

Ancestor Zhou's eyes looked to the sky, and as if witnessing a heroic figure, his aged eyes shone with melancholy and pride.

Zhe, the leader of the group, nodded solemnly. He wonders if the ancestor was talking about that person…

"Remember, Duan Weizhe. Welcome him with the utmost respect!"

Duan Weizhe nodded solemnly. When the famous, kind Ancestor Zhou called him by his full name, he knew he must heed his orders like an oracle.

Soon, the blue-robed man along with an extremely handsome young man landed on the top of the tower. Fang Zhaoge immediately noticed the respectful crowd before him, and he couldn't help but smile.

He thought these scholars would be arrogant because of the knowledge they harbour. But instead, they took a different approach. They became more understanding towards certain matters and would not hastily act stupidly.

Not bad! Fang Zhaoge also cupped his fist with a kind face.

"Thank you for your hospitality, fellow daoist. May I ask how I should address you?" Naturally, he adressed the leader of group first.

Usually, the head of an Institution wouldn't be called a Sect Master. They were usually called Dean. However, it may be presumptuous, hence he asked.

Duan Weizhe blinked and smiled admiringly. Even though he was extremely young, it turns out, the Overlord was a cultivator with manners. Ancestor Zhou was right, fate will indeed bring certain people together!

"Your Highness could call me Dean. But if you find it unusual, Zhe, which is a simplified version of my name, Duan Weizhe, is also alright."

Fang Zhaoge nodded. He looked at the respectful yet dignified people in front of him. Hm, the Star Institution is truly not bad. As expected of the forces who retreated before the decisive battle!

"Your Highness, can you tell us your name?"

An old man with long white eyebrows appeared beside Duan Weizhe and respectfully asked. Fang Zhaoge was convinced this time. Even the ancestor was not narrow minded!

Tsk, such a rare place in a cultivation world where personality, morals and manners have been long corroded by power and greed.

"My name is Fang Zhaoge, and yes, I am indeed the first and, for the time being, only disciple of Li Tianwen!"

The clarification set Ancestor Zhou's heart ablaze. Of course such an outstanding Overlord would be nurtured by that person!

"What do you need from us humble scholars, Your Highness?"

The man who decisively led the Star Institution's retreat from the war was the one who asked. Fang Zhaoge approved of him.

"I just wanted to learn about the track of records of this world. Do you have them?"


After a few exchanges with each of the members of the group, which was relatively pleasant, Ancestor Zhou and Duan Weizhe invited Fang Zhaoge into a room located just below the top of the tower.

There, a library where countless books were stored revealed its aged ambience. Each section has a different topic. From Science, Physics, Politics, History… Even the dreaded subjects, Quantum Physics and Math were included. The library nearly took up two thirds of the whole tower!

Fang Zhaoge had already expected it. With supernatural and godly powers from cultivation, what these scholars couldn't do? These subjects were definitely finished long ago!

Although he was curious about the conclusion of each subject, he still refrained from doing so and instead went into the History section. As for Cultivation, he'd do so after this.

But he was really curious…

Alright, maybe he'd take a look after he got what he wanted. Just a little bit.

Thus, Fang Zhaoge dived into the countless books in the History section. All the way from the start to the end! How the world was born, when it could provide the environment for the living, anything!

For Fang Zhaoge, who has inhumane talent, along with his superhuman sense of time, the books were finished in about 2 months. It was daunting at first, but he found himself enjoying the history.

This trip to the Star Institution is truly a good choice. The gains are uncountable. And he hasn't even stepped into the Cultivation section yet!

Fang Zhaoge profited too much. He definitely expresses his gratitude towards the Star Institution!

Thus, after the last book, Fang Zhaoge calmly put it down and concluded one thing.

"Cultivation world is truly unimaginable!"

If the process of the appearance of the universe and the earth from his previous life was just theoretical, as discovering real, in-the-field proofs was practically impossible, the Star Institution had recorded everything so intricately along with its proofs!

Fang Zhaoge became thoughtful as his mind gathered all of the received knowledge into one systematical, logical process.

"I am truly speechless."

It's hard for him to describe. The only thing that resides in his heart is amazement and awe. He truly felt like a man who had been greedy his whole life without knowing anything about gold, and he just found out what gold was.

Unfortunately, they did not mention anything about the Forbidden Zones. All they mentioned was that, well, the Forbidden Zones have already been there as long as they could remember. The only detail they have was the appearance of the Forbidden Zones as soon as the world was formed.

Such mysterious places...