double Oh shit

"So… Can someone explain to me why the criminal we captured a few weeks ago is lying on the floor dead with a bullet hole in his chest, and why is everyone in the speed lab?"

I walked into STAR Labs, feeling relaxed as I was off on a quick trip to Starling City. It had only been two days, just enough time to have some fun, clear my head, and not expect to come back to... whatever this shit was this was.

'wait a goddamn minute! Is it already time for that! Where the fuck did the time go, damn, so this was when team flash failed to trap Thawn.'

Everyone turned to look at me, their expressions shifting from shock to worry to the universal expression of oh shit. It was like they just remembered I existed. Is this going to be a common thing! Great, I'm invisible, lovely.

"Oh, shit," Cisco mumbled, also realising I just existed.

I raised an eyebrow, crossed my arms and spoke. "So, did you guys forget to maybe fill me in on something super important?"

Caitlin let out a sigh, looking between me and the others. "Okay, so... we may have forgotten to tell you something... slightly major." She said this while pinching her fingers, indicating it was a small incident, but I fucking know it's the first big plot twist of incidents!

I leaned back against the wall and spoke some more. "I'm listening."

Barry for his part looked more serious than usual, and I could tell he was in some distress "Right. We, uh, found out that Harrison Wells isn't who he says he is. He's actually Eobard Thawne, a speedster from the future who wants to kill me. He killed my mom because he was angry that he didn't kill me."

I blinked, trying to actually understand what he said as he was speaking really fast. Then I said, "Wait, so you guys found out that Wells, the doctor Wells, is actually the Reverse-Flash, the guy who murdered Barry's mom?"

Barry nodded and continued. "It's been a lot. We were planning to trap him after putting out that fire the other day, but it didn't work."

"Yeah, didn't work at all," Cisco added, clearly flustered and slightly out of it "And now Wells, Thawne knows we're onto him. Barry's right. It's a mess."

I nodded, piecing together what they'd said. "So, let me get this straight—while I was gone, you guys tried to trap Wells because Cisco had some kind of vision, and now we're dealing with the fallout?"

Cisco added. "It was more like a dream but yeah." then Caitlin nodded. "Pretty much, yeah."

"And all this happened without me knowing any of it?"

Like seriously, I thought this was still a while away, damn.

There was a slight wince from the team. Yeah, they knew they'd messed up by not filling me in.

Before I could say anything else, a voice came through the speakers. It was Wells, or rather Than.

Wells' voice echoed through the lab. "I told you this before. I am always one step ahead... Flash."

"Allow me to reintroduce to you Mr. Hannibal Bates and his incredible ability to transform into any person he touches. I knew that ability would come in handy. I did not expect it to come in handy this soon."

Barry then replayed, incredibly frustrated "You used him! Like you used all of us!"

Wells then continued "Well, he served a purpose. Didn't take much convincing. Just the simple promise of his freedom."

Barry then spoke up, more emotional than normal, well normal is a relative term in the universe but oh well. "You ruined my life! All our lives! We stood by you after everything that happened."

Wells responded calmly. "I can see how this must be difficult for you to understand, but trust me, your lives now are so much better because of what I have done for you."

Joe, in a calm voice, said "You don't have to hide anymore. We know you're not Harrison Wells. Just tell us who you are."

Wells replied in the same calm tone. "A confession will get you nowhere. You've seen who I am. You know what I can do. You want to kill me, go ahead. I'm not gonna fight you."

Barry's voice was steady, but there was an edge to it. "But just tell the police what you did. Get my dad out of prison."

Wells sighed. "I don't want to kill you, Barry. I need you. And... I also did not anticipate, as difficult as the past 15 years have been for me, how much I would come to love working with you. With all of you."

His tone didn't change, but the words hit hard for the original team flash, while I was over here wishing I had popcorn. "And yet, that does not change what needs to happen."

Barry stepped forward, his voice filled with anger. "Then face me now!"

Wells responded with the same cold finality. "Oh, we will face each other again. I promise you. Soon. Very, very soon."

Suddenly, Cisco's eyes widened in realisation, and he shouted, "He's in the Time Vault!"

I turned to Cisco, blinking in surprise. "We have a Time Vault?"

I blinked. "Wait, we have a Time Vault?"

Cisco nodded. "Yeah, we were snooping around STAR Labs, trying to see if Wells was hiding anything. We found this room, and that's where he's keeping his suit."

I shook my head. "Of course he is. What else?"

"And there's an AI in there. Called Gideon."

I paused for a second. 'Oh, right. Gideon. Almost forgot about that.' I made a mental note to check it out later, curious to see if I could get anything useful from it.

It's been a day since all the crazy shit went down. Barry went out last night and, well, didn't get there in time to save Eddie. I mean, we all know he's still alive, but no one knows where he is.

I've been running around the city since then. Maybe I'm not as fast as Barry, but I can still get things done. Stopping small-time crimes, keeping an eye out for anything unusual. But even with my memory being basically perfect, I've got no clue where they're keeping Eddie. I can't do much, honestly.

Eventually, I made my way back to STAR Labs. "Yeah, there's nothing," I said, sliding back into the lab.

Cisco looked up from some random tech on the table. "First rule of mechanical engineering. Don't waste good tech."

"Yep," Cisco said with a grin, and we fist-pumped.

Just then, an alert went off on the system. Cisco turned to the screen. "Gold reserves are being robbed."

"On it." I was out the door before the words fully left his mouth.

I sped through the city, heading straight to the gold reserve. There was something about this that seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. 'What is this again? Feels important.'

When I got there, the whole place was a mess. Exploded trucks, a body etc, and I caught sight of the robber trying to load up the gold. "Dude, you picked the wrong day to rob a vault," I said, stepping closer.

Just then flashes of random images hit me out of nowhere. I staggered, grabbing the side of my head. 'What the fuck is this?'

My [Mental Resistance] skill levelled up to three, and it hit me. 'Shit, I remember now. This is Grodd, isn't it? That freakin' gorilla.' I winced, feeling the lingering effects of those mental flashes.

Before I could stop the guy, he fired off a few shots. I dodged most of them, but one bullet hit me out of nowhere, right in the foot. The fuck?

I stumbled, pain shooting up my leg. "How the fuck did I get shot in the foot?" I muttered, trying to get back on my feet, but by the time I was up, he was gone. Disappeared, just like that.

Speeding around didn't help either. No trace of him anywhere.

I ran back to STAR Labs, limping slightly as I walked in. "What the fuck just happened? I had him!" I looked over at the team, still processing everything. "I swear, I think he's got some kind of mental skill. I was getting flashes, but they weren't even my memories. It was like I was on some experiment table or something. I mean It wasn't too bad at first, but he shot a lot of bullets. I dodged most of them, but there was one I didn't even see. It felt like some mental illusion, like he tricked me into thinking nothing was there. By the time I was up, he was gone, and I couldn't find a trace of him."

Just as I was rambling on, I noticed Barry was also there, and he also looked worse for wear.

"Well, funny that you mention that, because not long after you left, Barry arrived and went as well, but then there was another disturbance, for gold on the other side of town, and the exact same thing happened to him, but worse it seemed."

"Well then we got triple wameed as the guy that was doing it looked out of it as well."

Then out of nowhere Iris comes in. "then you know how it feels to be wameed, Barry, or sound i say the flash"