Let go.

-So what happened that you got stuck on a tree?- his face was full of cheekiness and I could see that he was having a lot of fun having no idea about what happened.

Well from an outsiders perspective it seems pretty fun for sure, but yet again, for me it isn't really a fond memory.

-It's a very long story but basically I was "forced to go" to a classmate's house because of a project and the guy became very inappropriate.-

Yeah I guess we can agree that this is a tree climbing worth escape.

Before he could say anything I got a text from that bastard.

-Please come out of the bathroom.-

Oh my, if being the most naive person in the world would receive an award he would be getting it for sure.

I left him on read, leaving him to be with his delusions for a little bit longer.

-By the way what's your name?- he asked as we started walking away, breaking the silence.

After all, we can't just stand in front of his house all day.

-Lee Yunseo, yours?- I tried to hide my excitement at the chance of getting to know him.

I should calm myself down a bit, he is nothing but another handsome man in a world of illusion.

I also shouldn't forget about Aiden uneless I want to end up as a small dot in a desert.

-Jeong Suho, you have a pretty name Yunseo.-

I thanked him and almost flew away by happiness, but then the thought of the cold truth slapped me across my face.

What if this is another way to make me stop trying to become a main character?

This creator knows how to make traps for sure, but I'm not as easy as they think I am.

And the thing is that I almost forgot about it thinking that it must have been only Hyungwon they are trying to take me down with..

They obviously have to have other plans, it's not like they want to risk their "creation" of being ruined by such a person as I am.

And this world is, to remind everyone is also my life?

I find this situation a bit unfair, and by that I mean having to struggle with simple things as having my own memories or people I can choose to have bonds with.

-Well it was nice meeting you Suho, thanks for your help, but I actually have to go home-

I actually didn't lie, I did have to go home..

He nodded and we said bye to each other.

He's a great guy but I can't let this devil control my life.

He seemed to be polite, but everything was too perfect at first glance for him to not be able to ruin my already messed up life.

I pitied him a bit knowing that deep down he is nothing but a puppet, even if on the surface he seems normal, he is equally as useless as I am in this weird creation.

I want to be conscious in my life, at first this whole thing seemed as a crazy idea, but now It's like I can't even back down.

Truthfully the whole thing that I am also a "nobody" was unbelievable, everyone expects to be the main character even if not in the world but just their life.

Well I guess it isn't really that way for a lot of us without even knowing.

We walked in two different ways from each other, maybe never meeting again.

Hopefully, at least I hope so.

I can't have anyone mess my plans up.

After that very weird but somehow pleasant encounter, I decided to get over that whole thing because I simply should not read anything more into it than it is.

I don't even have time for my life why would I have any for a silly romance?

I let out a small sarcastic laugh for even having this thought.

Especially knowing it was doomed from the start...

Today I was planning on going to a sleepover to Hyeri, as we already made these plans before, and I'm sure both of us have things to tell each other.

It's just that her experience is probably not about almost getting straight up harassed.

I also plan on finding more out about what happened with Aiden and Hyeri when they were working on the project.

I hope they didn't get too close..

I seem like such a snake, but can I not be? If the creator wants to play this game in a sneaky way, don't they worry, I will join their game with pleasure.

I went home for the needed stuff for a sleepover.

I didn't really think about what to pack besides necessary things as I won't move, just sleep there for a day.

As I was on my way to Hyeri with a bag that contains the stuff I need for a sleepover I was deep in my thoughts.

Do I even like that Aiden guy? I mean for appearance he is a top model for sure, but as for personality I know nothing Hyeri only ever talks about his looks, maybe now that they were in one team, she found out more about how he is.

I'm not sure about anything besides physical attraction though, honestly does it even matter what I feel at this point?

I don't think it ever did. And me having the option of either being a nobody throughout my whole "life" or playing a part in a fake romance until I die, convinces me even further that I don't.

Neither of these options seem appealing, but if I have to choose I will fight for my independence.

I got on the bus and texted Hyeri that I'm already on the way, so she should go to the bus stop so that we can meet up and then go to her house together.

Maybe on the way she will already tell pieces of information about what has happened between her and Aiden.