"You …. She is not joking, is she?" Faith asked Susan, her expression still dazed as she pointed at Calista who was standing at the rack with traditional wedding dresses.

Susan chuckled softly as she looked at Faith, who seemed to not be accepting the fact that Calista was indeed getting married even after knowing it for an hour now and responded, "Your shock is better. Imagine the heart attack she nearly gave my father when she announced that."

"And where did she get that husband, anyway?"

"I am also curious. She talked about a childhood sweetheart and so forth!" even Susan was still confused about that part.

Why didn't they know about this man who appeared from nowhere? Unfortunately, unless Calista wanted you to know something, she wasn't the kind who would spill the beans.

"Is he at least good-looking?" Faith was especially worried about that.

If a person was going to be married, at least find a man who wouldn't give her nightmares every day. A good and handsome face was very good. At least the wife can just brag to others, even if he is useless.

"I still have to see him!" Susan dejectedly replied as her mood plummeted.

If she was a dog, Faith would have seen her ears drooping as well.

"I guess we can only wait till the wedding then!" What could Faith say when Calista was that tight-lipped?

Meanwhile, on Calista's side, she was having a great dilemma. Who would have known that Faith would increase some new designs for the wedding dresses?

There were simply too many designs for her to choose from. She was greedy for more and yet there was only going to be one ceremony. So, what should she choose?

In the empire, whenever someone dies, the bereaved and those mourning would wear dark colors, for example black. The widow would wear white once the burial was completed or any other light and dull colors if white was too much.

During weddings, wearing bright colors was a must. So most traditional wedding dresses were in red, orange, yellow, blue and sometimes pink. But the most famous wedding dresses were the mixed ones. Instead of wearing one color, most brides, especially the rich, would buy mixed ones.

And yet as she looked at the several dresses available at that moment, even the single-color dresses looked beautiful.

After standing and contemplating for hours, Calista finally went with her guts and picked a dress which was very colorful and festive to the eyes. The main material was pink and yet the red and yellow infused with it made the dress look as if it was from a fairy tale.

Besides, pink was her favorite color, and she was planning to wear it this time at her second wedding.

Since she wasn't able to wear it at her first wedding, she might as well satisfy her heart this one time.

"Faith, I will get this one!" Calista called as she picked up the dress.

"Are you sure about that? You don't want something a bit on the low-key side?" Faith asked worriedly upon seeing the dress Calista had chosen.

"Hehe, I want him to remember me for the rest of his life!" Calista mischievously smiled as she recalled how shy her husband-to-be can be at times.

"You …"

Calista stuck her tongue at Faith, seeing her speechless before she resumed her shopping.

Men didn't usually wear a lot of colors. So, she picked grey pants with a red wedding shirt which had a yellow daisy flower embroidered on the breast pocket to match with the dress she had picked.

She also picked wedding shoes which were red with a lot of embroidered colorful flowers on them.

When it comes to weddings, apart from the dress and shoes, other things were needed as well.

The innerwear was important, as that was what the husband would see once the dress was taken off, once they were in their bridal chambers. A woman should look good and appealing to her husband on the first night, no matter what.

It was a tradition to consummate the marriage, whether you like each other or not. So, it was always something that was passed down from generation to generation, that as a woman, she needed to look as best as she could, especially on that one night. The actions that the husband would take that night would determine whether others would respect the woman or not.

People would look down on a woman who failed to consummate her marriage with her husband. They would think that she wasn't appealing enough and that her aunts or grandmothers didn't teach her enough. A woman can fail at other things, but that one thing, she shouldn't.

So, Calista took a look at innerwear, but after searching, she couldn't find what was appealing to her. What she had at home was much better than what she was seeing.

As for jewelry, she didn't lack some at home, so she didn't buy the cheap jewelry she found in the shop. She bought, however, some wedding ritual items required. For example, colorful candles are light at the temporary altar that an elder would have to build to seek blessings from the goddess of love and marriage Yara.

The altar would require sacrificial items so that the prayers would reach the goddess. She didn't believe in that actually, but who knows; the world was filled with strange things, so she might as well do it right this time around.

She purchased garlands and wedding soil which was a mixture of colored sand that would be scattered on the altar during the ceremony.

After purchasing everything she felt was needed for the wedding. Calista went on the second agenda of the day.

Orson didn't have a lot of clothes, so she swept through Faith's store once again and bought a lot of home and traveling clothes at the same time.

Looking at the ever-increasing hill of items she was buying, Faith and Susan this time could only stand there as they watched in shock at how crazy Calista was going at it this time.

After spending three hours buying clothes-related items and wedding ceremonial stuff in Faith's shop, she set them aside before she dragged Susan to the next shop for more shopping.