If it was really that person, then she might not have been sent by his Master's enemies, which might prove why she had never made a move all this time since she knew him.

If she knew that he was under his master's orders, he doubted if his master would be there. She wouldn't have saved his daughters as well, lest giving birth to his children.

In other words, his appearance exposed his master, and now he was in a tricky situation.

From what he had just heard from her, she was a vindictive person. She was going to come at him or even at all of them. Her taunting him should have been a method for her to find out the missing puzzles, and now she might have found them.

What was he supposed to do now that he knew that she couldn't be left alive?

Unfortunately, before he could even think further, his master arrived.

"What was she talking to you about?" he asked, his tone filled with worry and concern.