Lady Iris flushed at seeing how Calista was looking at her and shyly responded, "Hehe, how could you say that? Aren't you fortunate as well?"

Calista shook her head as she let out a dejected sigh and replied, "What's the point of having money and everything that I have when I have never seen my parents?" she couldn't help but feel sour at that thought.

Who was her father and why didn't she hear anything about him when growing up?

Could it be another bastard of the Thomas's forced her mother, and she ended up conceiving her?

But if that was the case, why did she end up being framed by Lady Iris back then?

Until now, she still didn't understand why she had to die. She understood that the frame-up was more of the masters to provide a legitimate reason for killing her. The real reason for her death involved Shadow and the reason why he was there at the manor that night.