"Master … you …. I …. You need to get out of here!" However, Shadow wasn't planning on responding but chasing his master away from this place.

The pain in his calf was so excruciating, and he was starting to feel numb. His body was being frozen and with him incapacitated like that, it would be hard to protect his master. As long as he leaves here in one piece, it wouldn't be bad even if that evil woman dealt with him.

Unfortunately, Orson wasn't one to dump his men except for women.

"I won't go anywhere. I know that you want to protect me. She wants me this time, and even if I run away, she will still find me. We might as well just face each other and get this issue behind us!" Orson objected to Shadow's suggestion and calmly stated his stance.

He would rather face her here than let her seek his children. When a woman is angry, it becomes hard to understand her course of action. He might as well just face this as a man and see where it goes.