She listened as he said to the chieftain how he did that to gain her trust and take the medicine. It truly hurt seeing that to be honest.

When she saw the kids falling ill and how the sorceress appeared and talked about the undiluted version, she couldn't even get angry at the sorceress anymore.

However, Orson's reaction made her cold heart to …. It was starting to become difficult to describe how cold Orson's actions were making her be.

To think that the first thing he would think about was how she fooled him. How could he even think like that?

He blamed her and called her names. He was putting the crime of killing his girls on her. how could he be so cruel and shameless?

Wasn't he the one at fault?

If he had spoken the truth from word go, she wouldn't have given him the diluted version but the undiluted one. unfortunately, he saw himself as a clever person and nearly caused his daughter's deaths.