
 Chapter 1


In the cavernous expanse of a dark and foreboding hall, shadows danced along the walls,

cast by the flickering light of scattered candles. The air was thick with an ominous silence,

broken only by a man's soft, desperate pleas on his knees.

Surrounded by the chaos of devastation—tables overturned, chairs in disarray, and the

chilling sight of lifeless bodies strewn across the cold stone floor—he looked out, his eyes

wide with terror, beseeching an unseen mercy.

"Please don't kill me! I am begging you!!!" His voice, laced with fear, echoed off the ancient

walls, starkly contrasting the grim tableau around him.

In a swift, merciless blur, two hands appeared from the shadows, wielding a blue katana that

glinted ominously in the dim light. With chilling precision, the blade arced through the air, its

path ending in a silent, deadly caress across the man's throat. The hall was plunged back

into silence, now punctuated by the soft sound of blood dripping onto the floor, dark and


As dawn broke, casting a soft light through the curtained windows, the tranquillity of the

bedroom was gently disturbed. D, obscured by the shadows of his peaceful abode, stirred to

consciousness. His eyes, the windows to a soul marked by unseen burdens, fluttered open,

revealing only a glimpse of his resolve, shielded behind a headband that bore the marks of

countless battles.

Standing from the confines of his bed, his movements were slow. Clad in a simple white

full-sleeved t-shirt and black track pants, he moved with a quiet purpose towards the day that

awaited him.

The morning sun barely touched the skyline when D found solace in the rhythm of physical

exertion within his gym. Surrounded by an arsenal of equipment, his figure was a silhouette

of determination against the backdrop of punching bags and weights. Each pull-up was a

silent battle, a preparation for the challenges ahead, his face an enigma hidden from view.

In the solitude of his bathroom, the cascade of water from the shower did little to wash away

the scars and wounds that adorned his back—a tapestry of pain and perseverance. His

hands pressed against the wall, he bowed his head, allowing the water to trace the contours

of his resilience, marked indelibly by a singular, imposing tattoo.

Clothed now in the simplicity of a white t-shirt, he donned a black jacket, an armour against

the world outside. His departure was marked by descending the stairs of his Tokyo

residence, each step a quiet echo in the morning air.

With a school bag over his shoulder, D walked the streets of Tokyo, a lone figure against the

sprawling urban landscape, his journey shrouded in the anonymity of his turned back, a

silent testament to the story yet to unfold.

Above the sprawling cityscape, under the veil of morning light, a shadow darted across the

sky. It moved with purpose, a silent spectre cloaked in mystery, its form barely discernible

against the backdrop of the waking city. Clad in attire reminiscent of a bygone era, the figure

descended gracefully onto a rooftop, landing with the silent grace of a phantom.

On the edge of the building, the silhouette of a man appeared, his stance bold against the

horizon. The morning breeze tousled the long, black coat that enveloped his form, and a top

hat adorned with a peacock feather sat atop his head, a splash of colour against the

monochrome dawn. He twirled an unseen object in his right hand, his movements fluid and


"Looks like the game is going to begin soon. Stay strong, my children," he murmured, his

voice a whisper carried away by the wind, hinting at a game of unseen stakes and veiled


Below, the city stirred to life. Four schoolgirls, their laughter a melody amidst the mundane,

walked side by side. Their uniforms, symbolizing youth and camaraderie, fluttered lightly in

the gentle breeze, contrasting the sombre mood over the city's quieter corners.

In a bustling square, the heart of Tokyo pulsed with the rhythm of the crowd, a living entity in

its own right. Meanwhile, in a narrow alley, a more sinister scene unfolded. Five boys, unified

in uniform but divided in spirit, harassed a lone peer, their laughter echoing off the walls, a

jarring note in the city's morning symphony.

The morning sun shone gently over the college grounds as D walked through the main gate.

The campus was alive with the buzz of students starting their day, groups gathered in

animated conversation, their laughter mingling with the distant sounds of the city waking up.

Amidst this everyday scene, D walked alone, his figure cutting a solitary path against the

backdrop of lush greenery and the familiar structures of academia.

"Huh! Why does the college open so early in the morning, can't it open in the afternoon or

evening... Get up early in the morning every day, have breakfast, and I didn't even take

breakfast! Life is just like a machine... Where is the fun in that? Don't you agree...?" D's

words floated in the air, a rhetorical question to the unseen and unheard, his tone a mix of

jest and a hint of genuine inquiry.

As if aware of an audience beyond the confines of his world, D paused, turning slightly as

though catching the eye of someone beyond the page. "What...? Yes, I am talking to you.

Don't you agree?" His direct and unexpected question broke the fourth wall, inviting the

reader into a moment of shared understanding.

D embraced the absurdity of his direct address with a confident stride and arms open wide.

"What...? You've never seen a man talking to you? Yeah, yeah. I can break the 4th wall and

talk to you!" His challenge to the norms of storytelling was met with the silent

acknowledgment of his unseen audience.

Climbing the stairs within the college, his hand casually gripping the railing, D continued, "I

know what you're thinking. You want to know who I am and what's going on here! Right...!

Okay, so let me introduce myself." Each step he took was a step closer to revealing more

about his enigmatic persona.

In an exquisite gesture, arms wide and a smile playing on his lips, D proclaimed, "Ladies and

gentlemen, presenting the most interesting and entertaining character. ME..." His

declaration, filled with humour and bravado, seemed to echo in the space between the lines.

Wandering through the college lobby, D mused aloud, "That's all I can tell! You will find out

about myself when the time comes. I can tell you my dream... So, my dream is that I want to

blow this college when I get a chance...!" His bold words, laced with a rebellious spirit, hinted

at a more profound yearning for change and breaking free from the mundane.

As D's hand reached out to the handle of a traditional Japanese sliding door, it was more

than a physical action; it was a symbolic opening to the myriad possibilities in his path, the

untold stories waiting to unfold.

D entered the room, his silhouette framed against the doorway, just in time to witness the

everyday theatrics of his classmates. With a mischievous spring in his step, Tom was making

a hasty retreat across the room, closely followed by Akari, whose determination was evident

in her pursuit. Tom's hand waved in the air, a gesture of mock innocence, as he said, "Hii!


The scene unfolded with Akari cornering Tom; their faces flushed from the chase. D,

intrigued by the commotion, greeted them with a casual, "Hii class rep! What's going on?"

Akari, catching her breath, responded with annoyance and pride, "Nothing, he was peeping

in the girl's bathroom. So, I taught him some lesson!!" Tom's protest was weak and

unconvincing, "Oh, it was by mistake!!" But Akari was having none of it, her command for

silence clear and authoritative, "Shut your mouth!!"

The conversation took a lighter turn as Akari inquired about another friend, "By the way,

where is Jett? Is he not coming today?" D responded calmly, "No, he is going on a trip with

his mom." Ever the jester, Tom couldn't resist a tease, "Au... Are you missing your

lovey-dovey boyfriend!!"

Tom's laughter was short-lived as Akari's frustration manifested in a comically exaggerated

threat, her posture and expression transforming into that of a formidable adversary, looming

over Tom's cowering form. The classroom dynamic shifted once again with the sudden

appearance of Jett, whose entrance was marked by Tom's frantic apologies, "Sorry!!!!


Jett's greeting, "Hii...! Guys...!" was met with surprise and curiosity, especially from D, who

questioned, "JETT...?" The reason for Jett's unexpected presence unfolded as he explained,

"Yaa. We were just about to leave then, my mom got a call from the headquarters, and we

had to cancel our trip...!! She told me that it's an emergency call, so she must go!!"

The morning's lessons had begun, the classroom buzzing with the subdued energy of

students settling into their seats. Amidst the chatter, Akari, Tom, and Jett continued them

conversation, now veering toward the more severe undertones of duty and unforeseen

events. With a nod of understanding, Akari acknowledged, "Well, yeah... Your mom is a

police officer, so she must have to go!!" Tom, his curiosity piqued by the recent turn of

events, speculated, "I think something bad has happened in the city." Jett, his expression

sombre, agreed, "Yaa... I think so, too."

The teacher's arrival marked the start of the day's lessons. "Everyone, please pay attention,"

she announced, her voice cutting through the murmurs of conversation. A student's voice

echoed, "Hey, looks like the class has begun!!" signalling a return to the day's academic


Later, atop the college's rooftop, the city sprawling beneath them, D, Tom, Jett, and Akari

found a moment's respite from the confines of the classroom. D, leaning against the railing,

sighed exasperation, "I am so tired of these study things!!! There's no thrill in that." The

rooftop, a brief escape from the rigors of academic life, offered a fleeting sense of freedom.

Eager to share sensational news, Tom turned his mobile screen towards D. "Hay...!! D, did

you see this? Five days ago, there was a ROYAL ASSASSIN party, and someone killed all

those who were there at that party!! They were all high-rank assassins!! I think someone has

taken your revenge!!!" Jett chimed in, adding to the intrigue, "Yaa...! There's a rumour that

only one man killed all of them."

D faced an unseen audience in a dramatic turn, breaking the fourth wall with a knowing look.

"What...? You think I did it!! If you are thinking this, then you are absolutely right!!! Well, what

can I say... This world can't run without pain." Heavy with unspoken truths, his words hinted

at the complexities of his past and the burdens he bore.

The conversation took a darker turn as Tom, with a hint of awe and fear, whispered, "Only

one man can do these horrible things!!! The Ghost...!!!" D, caught off guard, repeated,

"What...? The Ghost...?" The name hung in the air; a spectre of stories untold.

Jett, seeking to clarify, added, "Not the real Ghost...!!! The assassin's name is Ghost. He is

the number one assassin in the world." D's response was a thoughtful "Hmm..." as he

pondered the implications of this revelation.

Tom and Akari stood side by side at the rooftop's edge, their gazes fixed on the city

stretched before them. Tom's voice broke the silence, carrying a mix of awe and

apprehension. "Yaa... And I heard that he killed billions of people. Because someone had

revealed his identity on the dark web and all those who saw that have been killed."

In a moment of candid confession, D turned towards an unseen audience, his expression of

mild frustration mixed with a hint of amusement. "What? I didn't do it!! Well, yeah, I killed

those who were at that party, but this allegation is way bigger than that!!" His words, though

light, carried the weight of unspoken stories of nights shrouded in shadows and deeds that

whispered of a darker world.

Akari, ever observant, shifted the group's attention with a soft, intrigued call, "Amm...! Hey,

guys...! Look at that!!" Her beacon voice drew their eyes to a new spectacle unfolding.

The city, once a tapestry of daily life and routine, was now marred by plumes of smoke rising

into the sky, painting a picture of chaos unleashed. From their vantage point, D, Akari, Tom,

and Jett could see the city's heartbeat disrupted; its pulse echoed in the distant beating of

helicopter blades cutting through the air. "What is that, all the smoke and helicopters... Tom,

you are right!! I think something terrible has happened in the city," D murmured, his voice

tinged with a growing concern for the unfolding crisis.

Jett, his thoughts racing to his family, voiced a worry that hung heavy in his heart, "I hope me

mom is okay." The personal stakes of the chaos below added a palpable tension to the air, a

shared apprehension that bound the group together in a silent vigil.

Tom, his curiosity piqued by a sudden movement, pointed towards the horizon. "Amm... Hey,

guys... what is that?" His question, half-spoken, trailed off as their focus narrowed to a

singular, alarming sight.

A lone figure, its form barely discernible in the distance, moved with an eerie, unnatural gait

towards the college. Drenched in what appeared to be blood, the silhouette seemed to be a

harbinger of the chaos that had gripped the city, its approach marked by an ominous sense

of foreboding.

The watchman, steadfast in his duty, confronted the figure with a firm, "Hey, you can't enter

this college!!" His voice, usually calm and authoritative, conveyed uncertainty as he faced

the stranger's unsettling demeanour.

As the situation escalated, the watchman, mistaking the figure's intentions, attempted to

defend the college's boundaries. "Is this some kind of prank of you... because this time I am

not going to be afraid...!" he declared, his resolve firm yet tinged with an undercurrent of fear.

Without warning, the figure launched a sudden attack, its movements swift and deadly. The

watchman's bravery was met with a savage bite to the neck, a gruesome act that sealed his

fate, the figure's face a grotesque mask of blood and violence.

In the aftermath, the figure moved on, leaving behind the watchman, now a victim of the

horror that had befallen the college grounds.

D and his friends witnessed the unfolding terror from their vantage point on the rooftop. The

sight of the watchman rising again, his movements now erratic and devoid of life, sent a chill

down their spines.

Tom, his voice a mixture of confusion and fear, exclaimed, "What was that...?" Akari, her

knowledge suddenly crucial, responded with a grim certainty, "That... That's a zombie!!"

The group's disbelief was palpable as Tom echoed, "Zombie...?" Akari, taking on the role of

an impromptu educator, explained, "What...? Don't tell me you don't know what zombies are!!

Zombies are undead humans who become such by a virus.... They're just like dead people.

They don't have any emotions, they don't feel any pain, the only thing they know is to eat

humans!!! If a zombie bites you or even gives you a scratch, you will become a zombie like

them, and after that, you will never be able to become human again."

The gravity of Akari's words hung heavily in the air, the reality of their situation becoming

increasingly dire.

Jett, his practicality coming to the forefront, asked, "What should we do now?" Akari

responded immediately, "I think we should call the police. Jett, call your mom."

Jett's realization punctuated the moment, "Amm..., well, the thing is that I left my phone in

the bag." The admission, under normal circumstances humorous, now carried the weight of

their dire situation, leaving them isolated on the rooftop, the chaos unfolding below.

A tense discussion unfolded among the friends. With a glimmer of hope, Jett turned to D,

"But D, you have my mom's number!! Right, D..?" The question hung in the air, a potential

lifeline amidst the chaos.

The group's gaze shifted towards D, who, caught off guard by the sudden attention,

managed an awkward response, "Amm... Well... Yeah, I have... The number..." His hesitation

was palpable, the moment's weight pressing down on him.

Akari and Tom exchanged a knowing look, their expressions a mix of frustration and

disbelief. Akari, with a hint of reproach in her tone, pressed, "But you forgot your phone at

home, am I right...?" Tom couldn't hide his exasperation, "What...? Again, you forgot your


D, attempting to salvage some dignity, clarified, "I didn't forget, I just didn't bring it here!!" But

Akari was quick to challenge his reasoning, her voice laced with scepticism, "Don't give me

excuses. You didn't bring your wallet either, did you...?" D's simple, resigned "No..."

confirmed their predicament.

The gravity of their situation was not lost on Jett, who, seeking guidance, asked Akari, "What

should we do now?" Akari, ever practical, decided, "We need your phone, so we have to go

down... So, let's go to the classroom." The decision made, they turned as one, determined to

face whatever awaited them beyond the safety of the rooftop.

Their resolve, however, was quickly tested as they approached the terrace door. The group

came to an abrupt halt, their momentum broken by the sight that greeted them. The

expressions on Akari's, Jett's, and Tom's faces were a mirror of shock and fear, a silent

testament to the horror that lay just beyond their sanctuary.

Jett's voice was barely a whisper, "Is that." Akari, her voice tinged with dread, confirmed,

"Yes! That's...." The revelation was chilling in its simplicity.

On the stairs stood a figure that was once a student, now transformed into a grotesque

parody of life. Its face, marred by blood and violence, was a stark reminder of the nightmare

that had invaded their world. "Zombie..." Akari's voice trailed off, the word a sombre

acknowledgment of their new reality.

In that moment of shock and fear, an instinct for survival stirred. A hand reached out,

grasping for a bat, a symbol of their readiness to fight, to defend themselves against the

unimaginable terror that had found its way to their doorstep.