Chapter 1: A Soldier's Calling

Pilot Ethan Cole ducked instinctively as another mortar exploded overhead, debris raining down across the bombed-out street. His squad had been ambushed hours earlier on patrol through this war-torn city, and now he and a few brothers-in-arms still stood and fought for their lives against an unseen enemy.

As the dust settled, Ethan looked around at the carnage. Corporal Davis lay motionless a few yards away, while Private Rodriguez clung to a shrapnel wound in his side, his ragged breathing a death rattle. They were dropping like flies out here.

A burst of gunfire drew Ethan's attention, and he returned fire with controlled bursts from his M4. His assailants remained cloaked in the smoke and shadows, picking them off one by one. He was running low on ammo, and there seemed to be no end in sight to this brutal guerilla attack.

Just then, a missile barrage lit up the night sky overhead. Ethan watched through his night vision goggles as an unmanned aerial vehicle obliterated the buildings surrounding their position, collapsing the structures down upon whatever enemies lurked within. When the dust cleared again, an eerie silence fell over the wasteland that had been a city block only moments before.

A familiar voice crackled over Ethan's radio earpiece. "This is Command. Hostiles seem to have pulled back for now. We're sending vehicles for evacuation and medical aid. Just hold your position a little while longer, Cole. Help is on the way."

Ethan sighed wearily and leaned back against a battered wall. His fatigues were torn and caked in blood and grime. A dozen fresh cuts and bruises joined the countless scars etched into his skin over his six combat deployments in the region.

He was tired—so bone-tired of this endless war. But there would be time for rest once the others were safely home. For now, he said a silent prayer of thanks for their deliverance and for the lives of his lost brothers to be remembered with honor.

In the distance, Ethan heard the welcome rumble of armored transport vehicles plowing through the wreckage-choked streets toward their rally point. He raised a hand weakly to signal their position as the vehicles drew near and medics swarmed the area.

"You're the last one standing, Cole," said Captain Anderson, commander of Ethan's platoon. "Good work keeping your head straight through another rough day. Now let the documents look you over while I arrange evac for what's left of the unit."

Ethan nodded mutely and allowed the medics to load him onto a transport. As it lurched into motion toward the base, he gazed out the small window at the ruins they had just fled, now eerily devoid of life once more. This place had suffered more than its fair share, but its people endured with admirable resilience despite the horrors unleashed upon them.

Once back at the base, Ethan's injuries were cleaned and dressed. Nothing life-threatening, but his body had taken another beating, which would be slow to recover from. As he rested in the medical bay that evening, Captain Anderson paid him a visit.

"Got orders down from Command on this latest mess," the captain said gruffly. "The brass thinks there's more going on under the surface out there than your average insurgency or terror cell. They want intelligence assets on the ground to investigate further."

Ethan propped himself up on one elbow. "You volunteering me for deep cover OP, sir?"

Anderson nodded. "That's the long and short of it, Cole. You've proved you can keep your wits about you in a scrap, and you've got a way of blending in when you need to. I know it's a lot to heap on your plate after today, but we need our best man on this."

Ethan let out a breath and considered the captain's request, or rather, command. He was bone tired, both physically and spiritually, from this conflict dragging on year after year without end. But people here needed help, and if going further undercover meant protecting more innocent lives, it was a calling he couldn't refuse, tiring as it was.

"Alright, sir," Ethan replied finally. "I'll take the assignment. Just point me where I need to go and let me know when it wheels up."

Anderson slapped him gruffly on the shoulder. "Attaboy, Cole. This is why they keep extending your contract, tour after tour. Briefing's at 6:00 with the spooks from Langley running the show. They'll get you up to speed on covering your tracks for the deep dive. Dismissed and get some rack time, trooper. You've earned it."

The captain departed, leaving Ethan alone with his tumultuous thoughts. Going further undercover was not without its risks, especially if he was wading into unknown waters this time. But serving with honor and protecting others was why he had chosen this life, as dangerous as it was at times. There was solace to be found in that purpose.

Ethan pulled a well-worn Bible from his bag and began flipping through its weathered pages, stopping to underline passages that caught his eye or offered needed comfort. His faith had seen him through the darkest of valleys before, and he prayed it would sustain him on this new mission ahead.

As he read, his eyes grew heavy with exhaustion until they finally slid shut, the book slipping from his grasp onto his chest, rising and falling with each slumbering breath. For now, rest would come, but tomorrow would herald the start of Ethan's covert assignment into unknown territory and danger, with only his unshakeable trust in God to guide his way into darkness.