Chapter 8 : marriage of convenience

 Laura clenched her hands as she walked the aisle, the black rug matched her black wedding dress that flowed elegantly behind her. The subtle hints of silver embroidery added a touch of refinement to her ensemble. With every step, her heart felt colder.

 As she walked down the aisle, the weight of sorrow hung heavily upon her delicate shoulders. Her steps were slow and measured, her gaze fixed upon the floor beneath her, as if searching for answers that lay hidden in the grains of the wooden path. The once bright smile on her face had faded, replaced by an unmistakable sadness that dulled the radiance that once emanated from her. She clutched her bouquet tightly, the flowers a vibrant contrast against her tear-stained cheeks. Though she longed for happiness to bloom within her heart, its buds were overshadowed by the veil of melancholy that shrouded her on this solemn day. The air was heavy with silence, broken only by the faint sound of her footsteps, as she continued her melancholic journey towards an uncertain future.

 She looked at the alter ,there stood a handsome creature of the night, a pure-blooded vampire. Standing tall at the altar, bathed in a timeless elegance, he emanated an aura of both danger and allure. His raven-black hair cascaded down to his broad shoulders, framing a face carved by the hands of Michelangelo himself. 

His chiseled jawline and piercing ice-blue eyes were said to captivate any mortal who dared to gaze upon them. His pale, flawless complexion carried an otherworldly glow, leaving one wondering if he had ever known the touch of daylight. Adorned in a finely-tailored suit from a bygone era, his silhouette exuded refinement and a sense of untapped power.

 When Laura's eyes came in contact with the deep red eyes , she didn't look away but her heart hardened, no matter how good looking this man is ,he is a creature that feeds on human blood.

 When Laura stood before the vampire ,her gaze swept through the audience, they were only officials in the audience , her fist clenched, even on her wedding day there was no sight of the man referred to as her father, even if it is a marriage of convenience couldn't he just play the role of a father by being present.

 In a dimly lit and ornate chapel, the atmosphere is filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The scent of candles lingers in the air, creating an ambiance of mystery and intrigue. The solemn silence is broken only by the soft echoes of footsteps, as the guests take their seats, their eyes fixed upon the pulpit.

At the front, standing tall and dignified, is the priest, clad in traditional ceremonial attire. His robes, a deep shade of crimson, seem to flicker like flames against the subdued lighting. 

 "Dearly beloved, we gather here today to witness the union of Laura and Leandro in holy matrimony." The priest voice resounded in the silent church,"In matrimony, Laura and Leandro are united as husband and wife, committed to a lifetime of support, and understanding."

 "May their journey together be filled with joy, compassion, and spiritual growth, If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The priest paused waiting for any opposer but the audience was quiet.


 , "You may now exchange rings. " the priest said presenting a small cushion that has two rings on it.

 Leandro took a ring from the cushion,slipping it into her ring finger, laura also did same, as she slipped the ring unto the gloved fingers, she knew that this is the beginning of the second part of her already miserable life.

 "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you vampire and bride. You may now seal your eternal bond with a loving bite."

 Laura's heart skipped several beats, sending waves of panic and unease coursing through her veins. She had meticulously rehearsed this pivotal scene in her mind for countless hours, but in that moment, an overwhelming fear clung to her, firmly enveloping her entire being. A chilling sensation, like icy tendrils, began to creep insidiously across her body, causing her muscles to tense with a sense of impending doom. As her eyes locked with his, she watched in terror as he leaned down, a dark shadow eclipsing her vision. With each passing second, the subtle prickling pain that shot through her delicate neck became more intense, jolting her senses awake. Yet, to her great relief or perhaps confusion his lips never made contact with her skin.he did not drink her blood.


 After that Laurel was no officially married to a dark creature , now half heartedly a part of them , if problems were to arise in the future she would have support the dark creatures.

 Laurel didn't get to meet anyone she knows , as she was immediately ushered into the carriage , where she sat all alone with a night creature.

 " cepheus is far away, a trip of two days by carriage." The man said his red eyes glanced at her before pulling a Cigerate out of his pocket, he settle the cigerate between his lips lighting it up with a match, he took a puff facing the window then let the smoke flow freely.

 Laura looked at the smokes that disperse with the air, " I think it's unlikely not to be cautious, how would I know if you won't drain me in my sleeps."

 " if I wish to drain you I would have done that at the alter, however if any strand of your hair drop , it would be us breaching the alliance , so your safety is guaranteed and more over as a member of the lords family, no sane vampire would lay a hand on even a strand of your hair."

 The words were reassuring , but to Laura these were just words, she didn't even trust humans why would she trust creatures that are more cunning and more heartless than the humans. " words don't assure me, my life may not be under the target of every vampire within cepheus, but what about the Lords mansion how safe am i?."